[@Artifex] well, since you're lookin for input, i think i personally liked the "Class #" system more. it made it sound very scientific and bureaucratic. talking about Variants like they are tornadoes kind of has a cool vibe to it. but other than that, I enjoy that there's a classification system at all. On the other hand these new titles are certainly more descriptive and easier to read and remember. I mean, obscure codes and serial numbers are just badass to me, but i can totally get why other people don't think it's worth it, or see the value, lol. edit: Like if there were so many specific classications that we could say Relka is a Class 6: M-B: RED just the more acronyms, the better, for my stupid ass. Because now she is a Class-6, Metamorphic Brute, code Red. 6MBR. i dig that kind of stuff. but don't let my possibly niche interests have too much sway, take my opinion with a grain of salt, lol