[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MQa0QaA.png[/img] [@BrokenPromise][@Crusader Lord][/center] Shaking her head Jenna conceded. [color=plum]"I don't. That is why I asked. For all I know Amber really is the kind of person to just dive in and attack and you would continue. It was a gamble. There wasn't really time to think and I'm just trying to keep an innocent safe.[/color] Taking a deep breath after that she was going to have to tread lightly. Su was powered up and Jenna didn't really have the mana left for another fight. Locking her fingers together with her palms open up she continued. [color=plum]"What I know of her and you comes from Janet. I know you used to be her familiar, what happened to Amber, and how you became a magical girl. There aren't really words to say how sorry I am about what happened. You've every right to be angry. I wish circumstances were different and I could be returning your friend to rest."[/color] Jenna didn't like dredging up these memories. Losing people, though not as close, reminded her of her friends that had died when Justine had Janet blow up Beacon. That helplessness of not being able to prevent what was happening. As unpleasant as it was reflecting did give her some direction. These things happening were in large part due to those dark magical girls that used their power to manipulate and control others. Jenna wasn't sure if Beacon's dogma was finally getting through or her own experiences were making things clearer. [color=plum]"Horrors and their followers made these things happen. They continue to take from us even after we think it's over. I-"[/color] She cut out for a moment as she hesitated, partly because she was getting somewhat emotional but also because what she was about to say could be risky. But being honest with Su seemed the right thing to do. [color=plum]"I know Janet and I would be willing to help you seek and take vengeance on those that enabled this to happen to Amber. We more than owe you and her that respect. Janet has... changed since you last met. That process created me as her Twinned Soul. So when I say this it is coming from her. I wasn't strong enough then and was used as an instrument to take her away from you. The least I can do is aid you now."[/color] Would revealing this be a terrible mistake? Perhaps. But the weight of keeping her regret from Su had been crushing them since the beginning. There was no easy way or opportune time to have this kind of conversation. The best the twins could hope for is that Su would be lenient on them one more time and not try and tear them apart. It was evident in her prone posture and shaky voice that killing Amber left a deep mark even if she didn't do it of her own volition. [color=plum]"I couldn't... couldn't stop myself. I was a little marionette on strings and I just had to watch as I did terrible things. I'm so sorry."[/color] Falling apart right there in front of Su hadn't really been part of the plan. Su had more right to be emotional in this situation but Jenna couldn't help herself. If the wind girl wanted to Jenna was more than an easy target right now.