[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zLmcB5Q.png[/img][/center] Lily's smile turned into nervous one upon hearing how concerned Alex had been for her; it made her heart beat a little faster, and she averted her eyes fro sheer embarrassment. [color=fff200]"I-I was looking for you too, dum-dum! Besides, I almost didn't recognize you if you weren't shouting my name."[/color] She hesitantly lifted her hand up his back to touch the extended hair he now had, only to immediately stop as Alex moved on to ask about the current events. [color=fff200]"I also fought a brainwashed girl,"[/color] she responded as she removed herself from him, and stood back up. [color=fff200]"They're apparently Beacon girls. We managed to save one, but I haven't seen any of the others...Well, not that it matters with all these Beacon girls on the scene. I think we can leave, but..."[/color] She looked around, and bit her lip. [color=fff79a]"Lily, why are you hesitating? You need to leave before the police arrive,"[/color] She heard Ixion pressure him, but she turned the mental voices down as she noticed Alicia looking in her direction; it has been a long time since she's seen that girl, way back at the hospital when she had arrived in Penrose. Since then, the both of them have changed; Alicia had angelic wings befitting her as a Beacon soldier, and Lily's costume has changed to a flashier one. More importantly, Lily had learned secondhand that Alicia had been part of rescuing her, and she felt guilty for never having thanked her for that. [color=fff200]"I want to talk with Alicia first. I hope that's okay with you."[/color] She didn't have the confidence she had as a magical girl, feeling very conscious about her mundane self. Still, she approached her, step by step. [color=fff200]"Hey, Alicia, right? You went to the Overcity to save me, right? Um, thanks for that. You Beacon girls...Are doing a good thing."[/color] [hr] Kimble purred as she was petted, her tail flicking back and forth in pure joy. [color=8dc73f]"I'm so happy you're safe, nyaa~"[/color] She softly spoke, before she let go and watched as she conversed with June. The short girl herself nodded her head, causing her balance to shift just enough to cause a disgruntled sound to come from the girl carrying her on her shoulders. "You never can, Alicia. Never." She squinted menacingly with her words, a clear hatred of Horrors burning in her gaze. "We have won this day, but you can never tell when they attempt to strike again. So we must stay vigilant." When Alicia pointed to Jenna and Serenity, June's eyes widened in surprise. "You're right...I can sense the Spark in her too." Murmurs of awe and wonder spread among the Beacon troop. One by one, they began looking reverently at Alicia. "You are truly blessed, Alicia; your arrows can even sanctify the damned, and bring them to the light." She hopped off from from the lower girl's shoulders, and made a curtsy. "As expected of the Seraph. Now, let's search for our lost girls." She then turned to Janet, alarmed by the revelation about Divina. "Chloe! She's a civilian-murdering witch! After her!" She ordered, her teeth grit in a ferocious expression. The other girls hesitated. "But June, what about Summer!" June's fists clenched. "Summer is still in the Overcity, right? Prepare for an extraction, shifter squad! The rest of you, go!" She commanded loudly with a point of her finger. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NngpAdx.png[/img][/center] Helga saw the pirate girl's mouth open, about to speak, but she never heard any words escape her mouth. In fact, she had disappeared before her very eyes, spirited away by none other than her best friend, Su. She could only stare at the empty space, even as Mika came over and tended to her wounds. If this was any other day, she would have picked up Mika into a big hug. But now, only a scream surfaced from deep within her: [h2]"SU!"[/h2] She looked around frantically, trying to do something, anything...But she couldn't do anything. She wasn't a shifter, and had to depend on others like Sonia or Mariette to deliver her to the magical world. Panic started to swell up within her. "Oh god, Su's gonna kill her! I'll never find out about Amby! Oh crap!" At that moment, her robotic twintails lifted up, mimicking an animal's ears: she heard someone mention the Overcity, and shifting there. "Wait!" She screamed, and ran towards the gaggle of Beacon girls. They lifted their weapons in response, but Helga had lifted her clawed palms up. "Take me with you to the Overcity! Please, I beg of you!" She bowed her head rapidly, and June walked to her, looking pissed. "Ugh...Fine. But you will surrender afterwards...[i]Former Elite of Justine's Army."[/i] Helga gasped, but shook her head. "Anything's fine, just shift already!" June then snapped her fingers, and a girl in the back lifted her staff, drawing a circle in the air that divided the line between this reality, and the one to the Overcity, tracking Su's shift right to her position. The moment Helga saw the two of them, with whirling winds raging around, she ran towards her, shouting: "SU! STOP! DON'T KILL HER!"