[h3][centre]Saber: Sir Ywain Knight of the Lion False Camelot[/centre][/h3] [quote]“Just enjoy the meal... Truth is however I cooked it. I sneak it in and replace what he makes with something edible.”[/quote] Ywain looked at the fairy quizzically, but simply shrugged. He wasn’t the type to refuse food, even if the circumstances were a little strange. Perhaps it made sense that fairies would be the type to be picky when it came to this sort of thing. And if it meant he got a good meal out of it, he certainly wouldn’t complain. “It’s good,” He said, nodding politely, unsure whether to thank Noon or his familiar. The food was certainly tasty, similar in ways to what his wife’s servants had produced in life. Was this the sort of thing that fairies like to eat? And then, the dessert was served. Ywain took a single bite of the ‘cake’, the slimy, chunky mess that could barely be considered a desert, the curse in the shape of food. A single tear came to his eye for a moment, before being blinked away. “Ahh… How nostalgic,” He said, before wolfing down the rest of the dish within moments. That was the knight of the lion’s own eccentricity. If Noon was cursed, then perhaps he was blessed, in his own way. Even if the food in front of him could objectively be described as ‘inedible’, even if it was something that no other knight, or perhaps even no other person, could stomach, Ywain himself was the exception. It wasn’t that Ywain was the type who could eat anything. No, he had his own tastes, likes and dislikes. He found sour things distasteful, and disliked powdery textures. Nor was it that he had simply grown used to the taste over time spent with his friend. It was a sensation that he had enjoyed from the very first bite. Perhaps it was simply an alignment, a sign of fated friendship between the two knights of camelot. “You must have worked hard on this, Noon,” Ywain said, with the sincere smile of a friend. “Ah,” He looked towards the other diners. “Are you going to finish that?” [h3][centre]False Camelot --> Core District[/centre][/h3] Ywain stood, his ring set with its stone outwards, unhidden from the world. He watched as the lights burst and faded in the sky. A signal to any of the enemy masters or servants watching that there was a challenge to be fought here. He wondered, briefly, if that man would show up yet again, and what his attitude would be this time if he did. He said nothing, but simply looked down at the city beneath him. The building’s roof was a good enough arena for battle, and defensible, for the most part. Perhaps he would have some trouble with a Rider or Archer, but standing with Noon, he was confident. A sword appeared in his right hand, and a spear in his left. He weighed each for a moment, before dissipating the sword and passing the spear to a dual-handed grip. Tonight’s armour was that of his time serving in Camelot, no helmet interfering with his vision as he cast his gaze around the city. His hair flowed free, blowing in the night’s gentle wind. “I have a good feeling about tonight,” He said, quietly. It had started well, after all. [@Danchou]