"Hmph, now you're just being paranoid." Ahnasha remarked, seemingly unfazed by the scenarios Fendros suggested. "Don't get me wrong, you're right not to trust her completely. She is definitely self-serving, but that doesn't mean she's always going to be malicious. I made a deal with her, a fair exchange, something we both benefit from. She doesn't betray or hurt people just for the sake of doing it. There has to be a motivation. And even if there was one, she wouldn't be free to act on it right now. Don't forget, she's not here out of the kindness of her heart; she's here because her master instructed her to be here. Molag Bal has his own designs for Vile, and Neesa can't defy him. Right now, Molag Bal's orders for her mean she has to cooperate with us. After this is all over, you might have a point, but I'm not going to be training with her then. I'm just taking advantage of what I can learn from her while she has to cooperate." Ahnasha reached out and took Fendros' hands in hers. "I thought you would have been happier with this. I'm not going to be performing necromancy in front of our friends and allies. We're not going to have to deal with everything that would cause; we'll still be able to live in the clan and keep our positions. What happened back in Cheydinhal with me and Rhazii, I...I just know now that I want, more than [i]anything[/i] to make sure that [b]both[/b] of us come back safely. We need to end this war, and make sure that we can stay together as a family. We deserve it, and Rhazii [i]especially[/i] deserves it. That's why I'm going to avoid using identifiable necromancy, and why I so badly want this training. If I'm not going to use half of the skills I have, then I need something to make up for it. The stronger I am, the more of a chance we both come back from this."