[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882221087784970/OhannakeloiSymbol2.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882185767550998/ohanna1.png[/img][/center] [hr] Ohannakeloi had arrived, most in an open pretty useless plain, but arrive he had. The [i]Buajaoi[/i] had scrapped the topsoil out of its ways a good way while slowing down, he now stood on top of his craft as he prepared. Five would be good for the core group, they would each have a specific purpose that could be quite useful in the propagation of the mortal races and the proper Divine worship. There would need to be one to protect the mortals, couldn’t have something eliminating all of them after all. It would need to be fairly selfless, but strong, ready to fight, but also able to reason. It would need to be capable of interacting with those it would protect, warning them of dangers or of threats beyond its capacity to handle. In fact, this would be very important, but it would be necessary to ensure that despite whatever linguistic difficulties they may encounter the message could still get through. Perhaps something akin to the mind-contact that gods are capable of would work, even if it could not be perfectly replicated. It would need to be made of good flexible Earth, strong and capable of stopping a danger but also capable of taking a hit itself. In contrast, while one focused on protection, another was needed to ensure those threats were ended and that they did not overwhelm the protector. A slayer of the monsters, with the strength and fortitude of proper stone and a form built for combat. Intelligence and some communicative ability would be needed but they would be secondary characteristics at best. Perhaps a form like his own would work, but better suited for combating the threats found across Galbar on a mortal level. And it would need to be fully capable of combating these threats, it would not always be the strongest, the toughest, or the largest. But if it had a good set of base attributes and was smart, as well as whatever help Ohannakeloi could set up, it should be able to take down less focused creatures. It is always possible, especially with this, that it may draw the ire of another deity, but it was a risk he was willing to take. And then another to be more personable than the other two would be, one to find out the stories and legends of mortal-kind without the awe of a deity crashing upon them. Not only to gain their stories, no to give them good trust and assistance, but worship also had to be demanded in compromise for assistance for such frail creatures, they were not as strong as deities and mortal-kind would need all the help it could get. So this one could give it to them, their protection was mostly covered by the earlier two, he would not be a fighter but tough and capable was indeed needed. A form that was perhaps malleable, changeable to the conditions presented, a shifter of forms. He could ensure that the stories of mortal-kind would not just be known and remember but that they would continue ever onwards in new legends and tales. A helper from the gods, from Ohannakeloi, paid in knowledge that could again help another or assist in the future by way of example. A fourth, more physical helper. SImple, a very strong and tough form with enough versatility to be useful. Large as well to give the appropriate weight a consideration that this help should have. After all, Divine assistance to the wishes of mortal-kind should be properly considered and returned in the proper kind, worship. Tall, stable with some strong limbs and more for more delicate tasks, a creature of great size and ability that would be most productive. At the fifth Ohannakeloi was unsure exactly if one was needed, the others seemed to fill very precise purposes well and he could not think of anything else. But that was it wasn’t it, he could not think of anything else. The fifth could be more independent, to find purposes for itself, to find a reason that it could be happy with and make a good imprint upon the world. A traveler to be sure, one that may have to cross great distances to find such a thing as a purpose. But the world was dangerous so to make them fully capable of defending themselves, but apart from the others. He had good form in mind, one that could live more organically than his other creations perhaps. But not entirely giving up the strength of the earth, metals perhaps, generally lighter and easier to work with than many stones in organic things, at least he would think. Ohannakeloi ceased merely thinking and brought forth his thoughts to the reality before him. The first a vast serpent, the protector, with scales of ceramic hardness and flesh as tough to destroy as good and proper clay, to not be rent asunder easily. [color=D8CCBA]“Hiuocca, the Protector. I name you and give your purpose.”[/color] The second a form similar to that of his own, a massive crab, with larger and more developed claws and a capable form to protect itself. [color=D8CCBA]“Ohannamauoi, the Slayer. I name you and give your purpose.”[/color] The third came indistinctly in shape, a mixing cloud of color but with a slowly forming purpose and form approaching that of something like the two that came before. [color=D8CCBA]“Uhaccala, the Wisdom-Seeker. I name you and give your purpose.”[/color] The fourth came as he had imagined, four massive legs suspended a grand body above, many tendrils waved at its sides for delicate works while near its head two powerful trunks swayed, ready for any labors it might commit itself to. [color=D8CCBA]“Ihenonoi, the Worker. I name you and give your purpose.”[/color] The fifth came as well, four legs supporting an armored, scaled body, flesh protected by metal scaling. Two wings stuck out on its back as its long tail and neck sprung from opposing ends. The head well scaled and protected, eyes focused forwards. [color=D8CCBA]“Azukuao, the Wanderer. I name you a-”[/color] That same fifth spoke out, [color=MediumVioletRed]“I really hate to interrupt here but are they supposed to be leaving already?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“No, they’re not.”[/color] It had seemed that the other four of his creations had decided to start off, in disparate directions already. He had to stop them here, they needed to listen to what he had to tell them. Ohannakeloi raised him and the [i]Buajaoi[/i] on a pillar of stone till he was near their eye level and spent his energies on his own form, they needed to hold him in proper respect. Ohannakeloi suddenly shown in a brilliant display of light, his shell seemingly gone from a muted yellow to a glimmering gold, the attention and awe of the five was not so subtly brought to Ohannakeloi. [color=D8CCBA]“I am Ohannakeloi, your god but much more importantly your creator who has a few things to tell you, so get back here and pay attention!”[/color] The four soon returned to their positions, an issue with giving your creations immediate purpose and knowledge is that they might be ready to act on it before you were ready for them to leave it would seem. [color=D8CCBA]“Now, that is better. Each one of you has a purpose and task before you, all mortals and their worship of the gods is to be protected and nurtured. You have each other in these tasks ahead of you of course, but also you have the command of further creations.”[/color] Said creations began to take form on the grounds and skies around Ohannakeloi. On the ground large crabs almost identical to the god if not for their size and red coloration, in the skies furred winged creatures, massive bats, screeched and soared where none had been before. [color=D8CCBA]“They have been made with your command in mind, they will obey such commands from you or any other with the appropriate levels of influence over them. They are not that intelligent but their numbers and dispersal shall make useful allies in your tasks. Those below are the Ahomauoi, they will grow as large as they are able, strong allies for work or against numerous threats and dangers. They may be territorial when not under appropriate control but they should be well adapted for natural environs. In the skies are the Iuoloai, consumers of fruits mostly, they grow large but not much bigger than you see here. Most notably they are masters of sound, capable in its hearing and projection. They have a most capable sonic weapon in addition to their strength and flying ability. Now you may leave.”[/color] The Iuoloai and the Ahomauoi began to disperse, the later alone across the plains heading for greater areas of food while the former moved in small groups to the distant mountains and forests. Soon after the four began to leave, the fifth, Azukuao, spoke. [color=MediumVioletRed]“I am to wander? Is that all I am meant for?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Come with me, north to the coast, we will talk there.”[/color] With a nod of her assent Azukuao and Ohannakeloi went north, he burrowed back into the [i]Buajaoi[/i] while Azukuao flew with her wings. They passed the plains mountains of the center north to reach the coast, some groups of Iuoloai had begun to take up residence there. As they landed she spoke, [color=MediumVioletRed]“What are you to tell me, dad?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Dad, hmm? Regardless, you are more independent than… your brothers. They are very happy and set in their purposes, at least I hope they will be. You, however, are special. I have said you have more independence, what I mean is I hope for you to find something worthy as one of my creations, for life on Galbar, and for yourself. You will find many things in traveling, wonderous and otherwise, but most important you should find something that you can be happy with doing, something that matters.”[/color] [color=MediumVioletRed]“Why? Why me? Why am I different from the others?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“The others while great are limited I fear, I needed others, I also couldn’t consciously make them unhappy in what they do but I fear they may not have much flexibility beyond that. I know that you are capable of great things. Here, I’ll give you something to keep you safe on your travels, I do not plan to force you but there is not much to do beyond see what is out there Azu.”[/color] Azukuao thought as Ohannakeloi made a bracelet, drawing from metals in the ground a silver piece imbued with some energies to assist in the protection of the wearer, forming around her fore left leg. [color=MediumVioletRed]“Will I be able to come back?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Of course, anytime. I doubt you want to once you see the world more, the other gods have made quite a number of great works. And do stay in touch, pray often. I do have to go and attend to other projects but I can stay here till you’re ready to leave.”[/color] Azukuao spoke softly, [color=MediumVioletRed]“Thank you.”[/color] There they waited along the coast, watching the waves. [hider=Might Summary] Start: 11 mp 16 fp 5 Extraordinary Beasts 2x5= 10 fp Extraordinary Species 3 fp, Ahomauoi Extraordinary Species 2 fp, Iuoloai 10+3+2=15 16-15=1 1 fp Aura of Awe, 3 mp Armoring Bracelet, 1 mp artifact 3+1=4 11-4=7 7mp End: 7 mp 1 fp [/hider] [hider=Summary] Ohannakeloi is out on a plain, thinks up some helpers and makes them, 5 extraordinary beasts of various tasks. Also makes two extraordinary species. Gets Aura of Awe after an incident with insufficient respect accorded in Ohannakeloi's opinion. Also makes artifact for Azukuao to protect her on her travels. [/hider]