[b]Enhancements:[/b] Powers that drastically enhance and strengthen the body far beyond average. [indent]Ex.: Elemental Embodiments, Healing Factors, Shapeshifting. [indent]Chars.: Incinera, Sever, Sabrecat, Scavenger, Roach, Dynamo, Gizmo, Tank, Abomination, Aria, Titan, Identia, Shadowbroker, Nightwolf.[/indent][/indent] [b]Manipulations:[/b] Abilities that manipulate, shape and control. [indent]Ex.: Elemental Manipulations, Magic, Telekinetics. [indent]Chars.: Incinera, Sabrecat, Allomancer, Dynamo, Shadowbroker.[/indent][/indent] [b]Psychics:[/b] Powers that are involved with or manipulate the mental capabilities and/or the mind of others. [indent]Ex.: Empathy, Imitation, Telepathics. [indent]Chars.: Sever, Sway, Aria, Identia, Jayson.[/indent][/indent] This way, when there's less options, it feels like it's more okay to double up on powers instead of accidentally getting tied up in four or five classifications. I also p much stole the descriptions straight from Superpower Wiki. On Abomination and Jayson, I viewed Abomination's telepathic control more as part of the being a host thing rather than a psychic thing, and for Jayson I considered his telekinetic abilities to be more a manifestation of psionic energy like Sever's psionic knives ability instead of a manipulation power. If we do use this we can easily sum up the overlapped classes as Enhanced Manipulators, Enhanced Psychics, Psychic Manipulators, or Enhanced Psychic Manipulators.