[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60169326-d55e-4adf-8f6d-dfd795abf6f2.png[/img][/center][hr] Max entered the arena [i]just[/i] long enough to hear the vampire in the middle - Max assumed he was the one in charge - telling everyone to get out. He really needed to stop making a habit of showing up there right when the action ended. The mage promptly turned around and exitted the arena with minimal gawking. Wasn't like he could get a quick make-up lesson from the instructor when the only purpose was to knock each other around. Besides, he had better things to do. The unexpected fondling he felt across his upper back seemed to beg to differ, unfortunately, and before he knew it some leech was hanging off him like a bad date and trying to drag him off on some asinine fancy. Max half expected Decagon or Decimal or whatever that idiot in the trenchcoat from yesterday's name was to be back for a second round of flirting, and definitely not that actor from earlier. [color=ccff99]"Maxwell Alderman, I presume? I'm sorry to inform you that there's been a change to both your current situation and standard of living. Your former partner agreed to a buyout, placing you in [i]my[/i] capable hands."[/color] Max gave him a sideways glance, barely deigning to turn his head in acknowledgement. A buyout? Was he just a commodity to be bought and sold whenever it struck a vampiric whim now? Not that he could blame Morrigan, Max was hardly pleasant company, though he didn't think the Embraced had the balls to actually do anything about it. This theatrical hack must've given him quite the bargain. Or Eris was just lying. Vampires spun deceptions as surely as fish swam, and one who made an entire career out of adopting false personas and putting on a spectacle with them was doubly untrustworthy. [color=8585AD]"What's your game here, Eric?"[/color] He questioned in a flat tone, deliberately messing up the name, [color=8585ad]"This is the first I'm hearing of this little development, so you'll forgive me if I don't take you on your word."[/color] Actors loved attention, it was the entire point of the stage. Blowing Eris off seemed like the easiest way to be rid of him, honest or not. Besides, Max didn't have time for this right now, he needed a focus first, then he could deal with whatever petty nonsense this leech was playing at. [hr][@Hero]