[center][h3][i]Arson[/i][/h3] [img]https://drfhlmcehrc34.cloudfront.net/cache/7a/2e/7a2eca87d796d9fd03a702d75817da61.png[/img] [color=gold][b]"Your ass is grass. And I eat grass."[/b][/color][/center][hider][indent][h3][sub][ [color=#0072bc]♦[/color] ] Bio[/sub][/h3][hr][b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Name:[/b] Anastasia Pride [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Age:[/b] 34 [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Loyalty:[/b] The Exiled [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Appearance:[/b] Anastasia’s lightly tanned skin gives her an exotic look when paired with her smooth skin. She gives off a feel of a youthful aura, her eyes often looking off into space as she thinks, like a curious child. Ana’s head is covered in a thick mess of charcoal black hair she lets drape over her shoulders and back, Ana only recently started taking care of her hair. As for the rest of Ana, she has a lean build, being on the taller side standing at 5’11. On first glance she looks rather normal, you’d not notice the muscle she’s packing until she flexes or exerted herself. She does have an energy about her like she’s always ready to go. As for clothes Ana likes it simple, flat colour shirts and jeans are her go to clothing when going out, though at home you’ll catch her in tracksuit pants and comfy tops. Onto Anastasia’s costume. She again wanted it to be something simple, but still something that could stand out on its own. A black lambskin leather jumpsuit was chosen, it’s form fitting sleekness and shiny texture managing to stand out while being simple. As for her head, she wears a bright yellow motorcycle helmet with cat ears. And to finish things off an upside-down black S under the left ear. The S is only there cus Ana thinks it looks cool. [indent][hider= sick costume][img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73b516_88ed3ee497a7448899fabec871d55cca.png/v1/fill/w_363,h_642,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/73b516_88ed3ee497a7448899fabec871d55cca.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Faceclaim][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/c59d/f/2015/260/1/2/gloves_by_kr0npr1nz-d99wdpv.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent] [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] History:[/b] [indent][hider=Pre CoD ]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4778006[/hider] [hider=Pre GM] Ana’s time spent in Denver was actually a lot more enjoyable then she’d anticipated. Training wards wasn't what she’d seen herself doing, though the Denver wards were a nice group of kids. Unfortunately, the good times weren’t going to last that long. It turns out figuring out that the top heroes on the planet are “massive dickhead hypocritical mother fucker assholes” (Ana’s words) is a pretty easy way to make you ditch the PRT/Protectorate. So that’s exactly what Ana did. With her sister at her side, the pair took their own new stance on crime fighting, a much more violent one at that. It wasn’t too long before Manifold and Charm’s brutal methods of pacifying criminals got themselves a bit of a reputation. It was this reputation that pushed Ana to change her cape name, she’d gotten tired of being Charm anyway, Arson sounded much cooler. Not long after changing her alias Ana decided she wanted to get her hands on some guns. She figured the time for punching was over, guns were just as good at handicapping people as her fists were, they just had more range. Things only got worse when Scion whipped it out and started obliterating everything.[/hider] [hider=Post GM]Golden morning was yet another turning point for Ana, so much loss and death pushed her a little over the edge. If it wasn’t for Ellie Ana would probably not have gotten citizenship. Arson and Manifold earned their bad reputation back in no time after she resumed her cape work. The Final Guard was just as stiff and stupid as the PRT, some people just can’t appreciate how Ana and L operate. Though their bad rep didn’t just end with the Guard, villain’s were not keen on having their kneecaps blown off. Outside of the Cape scene, Anastasia prides herself in the effort she puts into maintaining the small farm that she lives in with her sister. Ana frequently delivers free supplies to orphanages and homeless shelters. [/Hider][/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][sub][ [color=#0072bc]♦[/color] ] Personality[/sub][/h3][hr][/indent][indent][indent] [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Motivation:[/b] Anastasia just wants to help clean up the streets, be it filthy criminals or actual rubbish. Some people have to live on the streets you know. [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Derangement:[/b] Ana’s derangement makes her get overly attached to things, mostly material things, like her motorcycle for example (Though the motorcycle is no longer with us.). While this attachment doesn’t happen often when it does happen it happens [b]hard[/b]. Unless you’re someone she trusts greatly she’ll not take kindly to you being near the things she attaches herself to, very quickly getting angry if you damage or dirty said cherished object, to the point where she will get violent.[/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][sub][ [color=#0072bc]♦[/color] ] Parahumanism[/sub][/h3][hr][/indent][indent][indent] [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Skills:[/b] Ana has a few things she’s skilled at, firstly is her insane skills on a motorcycle, tearing it up on the streets is one of her favourite things to do after all. Ana’s fearless nature leads to some pretty ridiculous motorcycle acrobatics, think stuff like sliding under trucks. Ana has a Black belt in Judo. Her reason for picking Judo is so she can restrain people using her enhanced strength, and the myriad of throws, grapples and pins of Judo are perfectly suited to that. Ana also got herself a Black belt in Aikido because it also focuses on restraining an opponent while also protecting them from harm. Using defensive moves along with holds and joint locks. Ana got herself a black belt in Taekwondo just in case she needed to apply a little more brute force to her attacks, though this may not happen often she prefers to be prepared for such an event. If Ana is feeling a little more punchy than normal she utilizes her Muay Thai skills to beat your ass. While she’s not competed to ear a rank for herself, this is more due to her powers giving her an unfair advantage. That said she is extremely good at kicking your ass with all the eight limbs. She has impressive sleight of hand skills having picked them up when she was out on the streets. It was one of the things that helped her survive. Though she can’t pickpocket as well as she used to due to her enhanced strength and completely numb body. Though things like swapping cups and card tricks are child's play for her, quite literally in some cases. Ana also learned sign language so she could help translate for her sister when she goes silent. Though Ana doesn't always translate exactly what L is saying, just because it's fun to piss off her sister. After GM Ana learnt how to proficiently use firearms. While she’s no sniper elite she can still reliably aim and take out key points, like joints. She combines this sharpshooting with martial arts on occasion, mostly on opponents that are able to survive bullets. [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Classification:[/b] Striker|Brute [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] [u]Mechanics:[/u][/b] Ana has the ability to anchor herself to an object and turn it into a voodoo doll of sorts, and this doll grants her strengthening abilities based on how close she is to the object 0m minimum range - 100m maximum range. She can assign an anchor through touch and may only have one anchor at a time. First of all her body mimics the condition of the item she’s linked herself with so if the item is undamaged her body will regenerate until it is also undamaged, the rate at which she regenerates speeds up the closer she is to the object, letting her recover from a broken arm (talking like powdered bone level broke) in about 30 seconds when she’s in direct contact with her anchor. Along with the healing Ana also gains more strength when she’s around her anchor, being able to lift 10 tonnes when in direct contact with her anchor. This strength also allows Ana to run at speeds up to 55 mph. Finally, Ana gains immense durability the closer she is to her anchor, this helps her tank hits from things like explosions or car crashes while suffering minimal damage. Blunt force is basically useless against Ana. Limitations: All of Ana’s power drastically weakens when she’s away from her anchor slowly decreasing to only slightly above the average human when past the maximum distance, additionally if you damage her anchor you damage her as well with a wound that cannot be healed until she un-assigns or reassigns a new anchor. While she is very resistant to blunt attacks piercing weapons like bullets still bypass her defences, slashing attacks work too just not as well as piercing ones. [b][color=#000000]♦[/color] Equipment:[/b] [indent][i]ITEM:[/i] Ana's helmet has a communications device built into it so she can call and talk to people while she’s on the job. [i]ITEM:[/i] Guns! There’s a few so I’ve decided to group them together. [list] [*] Lever action shotgun. [*] Deagle. [*] 50 cal Barrett sniper rifle. [*] M134 minigun.[/list] Now for the baby guns.[list] [*] P90 submachine gun. [*] M9 pistol. [*] M16 carbine.[/list] [i]ITEM:[/i] Courtesy of her sister L, Ana has augmented her wrists so they can coat her forearms and fists in fire. It’s mostly just used for intimidation, or just to be the most badass bitch in town. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider]