[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cJceBoX.png[/img][/center] An object may be found, hmm? Thoughts crossed Xu Jian's mind. Maybe there was something they were missing. It wasn't the brightest of rooms. They may have been a hidden switch on the wall or a plug shaped key hidden behind a rock somewhere. All it would take is someone to look for something. Which, by some miracle of generally bad planning, nobody had done. [color=#DE4D5A]"Paul, you heard the lil' lady. Go search around this room and see if you can find an actual key. Or go outside and find a rock that looks like it'd fit perfectly in this hole? I'm going to try to provolone this door open."[/color] So she shoved her staff into the hole. As she had done so, it had shortened in length. This, of course, had a reason. It increased in girth as it had done so, squishing and stretching iron to perfectly fit into the hole. If something didn't happen, she'd push and spin the rod. If nothing happened after that? Well, at least she could extract Albrecht's glowing marble from the hole to make room for the actual key. Really, it was a win-win situation. Unless that hole was connected to a 120/240v three-phase powerline. Then Xu Jian would probably die.