It was futile. Or maybe simple karma. Her refusal to commit, finally having caught up to do more bad than good. The season of winter, treacherous to any adventurer alike. For most, a party of [i]adventurers[/i] were like (second) family — going through bad and good times alike. For others, it was a simple short commitment to make some easy money. If one had the freedom of choice then there was no need to tolerate [i]these kind[/i] of people. But now, with Winter having finally settled in, the weak were weeded out. And those that survived the treacherous cold forged bonds than brought them closer than ever, with no place for the occasional drifter. Of course that did not hold true for every party, but finding [i]work[/i] now was certainly more difficult than before the first snowfall. Sure, there was, in theory, still plenty of work in the form of jobs outside these cold regions. Something that newly formed parties had no problem committing to. But the pay was questionable. 13 Silver? 25 silver? Splitting it up? The Undead quest stirred her flames of vengeance, but beating a mage without a priest was out of the question. No, the Blade Dancer~s choice had to fall on one of the more difficult missions. Those that paid [i]more[/i] by taking the harsh weather into consideration. But finding a party for that was difficult. Unless... A blessing in disguise? The brunette, who could have assumed to be frozen considering how still she stood in front of the quest board, slowly tilted her head to the side. It was the voice of a woman she could recognize miles away. A person she detested, yet couldn't deny her skills. Muu would have given her everything if the [i]other survivor[/i] had been Gwyn instead of that bitch. [i]No.[/i] Tightening her huge and comfortable winter-mantle around herself some more, the girl now fully turned around before taking some steps towards the small group that formed. She didn't like Ettamri, yes, but she certainly didn't hate her. Now, however, they certainly shared the same goal, and Muu was confident enough she could see eye to eye with her. [color=ed1c24]"I'll be taking on that quest, too." [/color]Muu spoke up, more of a statement than a question. [color=ed1c24]"Please let me join."[/color] She added, somewhat courteous, nonetheless.