[centre][hr] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/7015/0102226ac2e9bd46eec572464ee9b7ed010be3a6r1-1500-500v2_hq.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190531/7626753709ba14df5d2b4ebd0c9662f3.png[/img] [sub][color=F12E17][i][b]Enter the Metaverse[/b][/i][/color][/sub] [hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMvzNQ2Itqg[/youtube] [color=Silver][b][i]Purpose is a tool that drives many. Where one sees themselves as a fighter for justice, or perhaps a revolutionary against the common system, purpose has always been a driving force throughout history. From the very foundations of social reform to the simplicity of a common life, purpose keeps many alive and well. For some, even the pursuit of purpose leads to destructive paths that go unnoticed by many. Whether it is used for the good of mankind or to help bring it to its very knees, purpose is a tool that drives many, always. However, what happens if that drive never exists? Those who are taken throughout life without feeling adequate, or even worthy, of an existence float between the crowds, lurking and trying to make sense of what their function is as an individual. Many who don't lead down a path of lethality, where they forge their own purpose and ignore the common rules laid out before them. Others, well...they eventually hollow out on the inside, flaking away into obscurity. Does that feeling feel familiar to you, Thief? Before here, before now, you were but a soul trying to make sense of what the world laid out for you. Whether that was from not trying or from not even working towards a goal, you became that obscure individual. You saw the world revolve past you, not around you. Stars flickered and shone on everyone else, yet their radiance always curved around your position. But what if we could do something about that? What if there was a place where you were meant to be, doing something that you saw fit? Beyond the veils of reality lies another realm, one filled to the brim with shadowy figures that feed off of the corrupted desires of others. The Metaverse. A world of its own sorts, where its rules are dictated by the hearts and reality if suckles off of. Some call it a parasite, others a kingdom of emotion. Whatever the take is, everyone knows that whatever lies within the Metaverse will inevitably dictate what reality becomes itself. Its lands are plagued by the ones who seek purpose in bringing misery to others and its rulers are forged from the darkest depths of corrupted desires. Lust, gluttony and all other forms of sin take control, marking its dangers and threatening the very life you live. In there lies a purpose for you, however. My thoughts may not be to control your morality, only to offer the paths you choose yourself. In due time you will open a sense within your heart, one that allows you to do beyond what any other man or woman can. I want you to find that inner-individual...that 'persona' of yours. Take with it what you must, and you'll find a reason to keep living, I can assure you. Do note, Thief, that your actions aren't to go unnoticed. London, your home, will subdue to whatever actions you may take. I can encourage a positive change, Thief, but your body and purpose is laid out for what you find. When the time comes, your obstacles and challenges will be met, and how you deal with them comes down to your own will. For when you unlock your inner purpose, Thief, the world could end up being your own oyster. I look forward to taking up this gamble with you, Thief. The future will be uncertain, but that makes this arrangement ever the more interesting, don't you think?[/i][/b][/color] [sub][color=Gold][i][b]Igor's Gamble[/b][/i][/color][/sub][/centre] [hr] Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to 'The Calling'. This is to be an adaptation of Persona 5 under a brand new storyline, lore and location entirely. As the name suggests, London is our focal point for this narrative and we'll be diverting away from the usual Japanese location seen throughout the series beforehand. One thing to note about its difference is that this [b]is[/b] a narrative. Most of the game-like features that may be expected, such as RNG and dice rolls to simulate outcomes, will not be part of the function of this story. This is to help give a bigger focus on the plot, the characters and the setting itself for us to control and expand throughout the journey itself. As a very brief synopsis behind it, we are obviously taking the setting to the United Kingdom, for the most part, with a focus on London being the centre of the metaverse's manifestations. With an array of characters on our side, the theme behind most happenings comes down to [i]'Purpose'[/i]. This could be a common trend that either comes through our characters as well as the shadows we are deemed to face down the story's rabbit hole. I also want to help highlight that the RP will focus not only on the shutting down of palaces, but also the moral conflicts between forcing change upon people's hearts, as well as metaverse users that may become larger threats throughout the story. For this RP, characters are something that I would like to emphasise quite a large focus on. The relationships, rivalries, romances and connections built between one another is a focal point for me, and I would love to see the diverse ranges of casts mingle and match with one another through the desperate situations placed between them. On the note of characters, I do want to make clear that [i]unlocking[/i] the personas will not be a instantaneous feature, and will require some work towards it. Some may awaken theirs before others and the overall involvement with the metaverse will grow slowly as the RP goes on. For instance, by the end of the first opening palace, at least everyone will be 'involved' in some way, shape or form, though I cannot guarantee that everyone will be classified as thieves by that point. Reasons for this is to help balance the overall flow of characters moving into the newfound role of thievery and the stealing (or destruction) of corrupted hearts. Another point that's worth mentioning is that we aren't to be confined to a strict moral compass, and the ability to take a darker route throughout the RP is readily available for those who wish to expand our variety. Be it an anti-hero organisation, the judicial thieves or a villainous ensemble, the options can be played throughout the RP as a whole, each resonating differently to each character, most likely. Combat, as previously mentioned, will go through a more narrative-based structure to make it feel more alive. Gone with the turn-based attacks and move sets, for we will have more freedom of movement, engagement and chances of failure on our side. Now, what do I mean by a narrative version of combat? Well, you as the player can help discuss whether or not you succeed in combat. I imagine not every single engagement would be met with success, and sometimes things will be set back based upon how you decide the fights to go down. As for shadows, enemy major threats, palaces and mementos, the formation of adversaries we may face will be open for experimentation, where the specified threats can be more unique against one another. Alongside combat is the obvious options for stealth. Not every engagement can be met with stealth, nor vice versa, and as a thief adapting between combat aggression and silence from within the shadows can be completely down to how your character functions as a thief, persona-user and overall metaverse explorer. Below, I'm going to be listing the character sheet you can use. I do want to make a few disclaimers beforehand. Due to the nature of this roleplay, a limit of approximately 8 additional players will be accepted into the roleplay. I will open applications as soon as the OOC goes live and I cannot guarantee that every applicant can, or will, be chosen to partake in the roleplay. Throughout the RP's journey, if people drop out then equally open spaces may become available, so it is worth checking up on the progress and keeping an eye out for any interest check announcements asking if anyone would want to fill in our blanks. Another major point to refer back to is that our personas are highly unlikely to all unlock simultaneously or extremely quickly, so combat at first may become limited to regular physical melee attacks or ranged engagements. I invite everyone, for their characters, to edit and change around the designs of their character sheets as they see fit, as long as the necessary information is included! [centre][hider=Character Sheet][hr] [color=Silver][i]An image of the character could go here. Ensure this is heavily detailed as well in the appearance segment too.[/i][/color][hr] [color=Gold][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Should be simple enough[/color] [color=Gold][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Ditto[/color] [color=Gold][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Years and date of birth. The age-range set for the RP is between 16 and 19, which are according to potential education routes our characters may be in. [i]See education lists below for more information[/i].[/color] [color=Gold][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Self-explanatory[/color] [color=Gold][b]Nationality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Not every character [i]has[/i] to originate from the United Kingdom to take part. Considering the country, especially London, is heavily diverse in its cultures and citizens, I see no problem in choosing different nationalities accordingly.[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Description of how they look physically, as well as in their eventual metaverse clothing. It can be a daunting task to come up with something witty and charismatic in terms of the unusual metaverse outfits, but it is worth it. As for school uniforms, if no changes are made to how your characters dress then just put [i]normal clothing for *insert institute*[/i].[/color] [color=Gold][b]Height[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Easy enough. Feet and inches, preferably.[/color] [color=Gold][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]What kind of person are they usually, perhaps both in and out of thieves' duties?[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Persona[/b][/color] [color=Silver]If you can, provide an image or extensive description about what the character's hidden persona is. If there are any special quirks about its appearance as well as what it represents. Also, include the Arcana here. We plan on using a different Arcana per character, so try to vary it from other applicants. If clashes come by the time two characters are selected, I may have to request you to change your Arcana when the RP begins.[/color] [color=Gold][b]Skill[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Skillsets are going to be spread out to help diversify our characters from one another. These include: fire, wind, ice, electric, aqua, earth, psychokinesis, curse, bless and nuclear. Each have their own benefits which can be discussed elsewhere if asked.[/color] [color=Gold][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [color=Silver]What equipment do they bring usually into the metaverse (sort of a foreshadow to when they do). Include melee weapons, if they hold a specific kind, and the type of 'Gun' they use.[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Education[/b][/color] [color=Silver]These directly correspond to how they are in their personality, listing their traits and potential upsides/downsides to their combat. Doesn't always trigger like in the game, and acts more as a character narration tool.[/color] [color=Gold][b]Biography[/b][/color] [color=Silver]The lead up to today. Who were they, who are they now and why are they potentially without purpose?[/color] [color=Gold][b]Affiliations[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Who are they families, major friends or life-impacting individuals with prior to the story's beginning?[/color] [color=Gold][b]Relationships[/b][/color] [color=Silver]This is how they view other characters throughout the story. This will be updated as major changes in their involvement and view of one another is expanded.[/color] [color=Gold][b]Character Theme[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Not necessary, but can be used if wished.[/color] [/hider] [/centre] Another thing to take into account is the areas of education that are vital for our characters to be a part of. Well, I say vital, I really mean optional. Some characters [i]may[/i] not be in education though considering UK laws its not likely. Below I will list the two places of interest, which are institutes of education, for our fictional setting. Each will list off what appropriate courses there are there to study, how many courses are required per institute and also what general facilities are there that differentiate from the other options. If anyone needs further information about United Kingdom education standards, I would be happy to answer any questions you have in relation. Equally, I will list certain 'Societies' and after-school clubs that are available at each school. Keep in mind, due to their locations, both the College and Grammar School named below will also be intermingling with one another somewhat regularly, so the ability to use free-time outside of the metaverse to life a normal life can still be mingled with other characters. [centre][hider=Institutions of Education] [color=Silver]On the outskirts of London, two rather prestigious schools sit near one another, hoping to garner a very high standard of student success rates. With a sort of excellence behind their names, the expectations of both students are highly encouraged and monitored, but at the same time a little freedom is given to such students for their behaviour and hard work.[/color] [hider=Evergreen][img]https://www.nestaway.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Modern-School-new.jpg[/img] [sub][i]Et jacet in posterum unitatis![/i][/sub] Evergreen Grammar School is known as being a relatively knew institute in London. Amongst the waves of Grammar Schools that span across the country, Evergreen accepts students who did exceedingly well in the 11+/SAT exams back in their junior schools, and offers Years 7-14 key stages. Students are expected to hold a consistent level of progress instead of simply being prestigious in what they study straight away. Because of this, the school offers moderately decent student safeguarding and welfare assistance, as well as having a shared campus for accommodation with St. Paul's College. Originally a specialist school for science, they have diversified their focus and covered bases in extended mathematics, English and foreign language studies, physical education, music theory and philosophy. Compared to its nearby counterparts, Evergreen intents to cover the more theoretical topics expected from a school, whilst practical associations are done elsewhere. That being said, practical subjects are still available at A-Level standard. Characters who study here will be between Year 12-14, which are years of Sixth Form education studying A-Levels, which are required for potential pathways into university. Evergreen A-Levels requires at least three subjects to be studied by each Sixth Form student. On top of this, uniform standards are usually held at quite a high level. Common student [url=http://www.king-james.co.uk/common/images/pageimages/sixth-form-uniform.jpg]uniforms[/url] are tolerated within its usual standards, as long as it looks smart. Smaller accessories are accepted, such as scarfs, occasional hats for seasonal wear and different shirt colours. Courses that characters can study are Evergreen are as followed. Do keep in mind that 3 subjects have to be picked. The way education works is more of a backdrop, but can also add extra activities to do afterwards. It might be an idea to pick courses that may help or relate to the style of thievery that your character provides to the group in the Metaverse. Consistent posts about lessons are not a requirement, do not worry: A-Level English Language A-Level English Literature A-Level Spanish A-Level German A-Level French A-Level Chemistry A-Level Psychology A-Level Biology A-Level Physics BTEC Business Studies A-Level Philosophy BTEC Physical Education (or PE) A-Level Music A-Level Geography A-Level History A-Level Religious Studies [/hider] [hider=St. Paul's College][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/07/a0/1c/07a01c2b786a5988527b34aa0f9d7a8f.jpg[/img] [sub][i]Excellence in practicality![/i][/sub] St. Paul's College is older than Evergreen Grammar School but has seen major renovations in recent years to keep it up to standards of its competitors. As an alternative to Sixth Form, year 11 students who complete their GCSEs are permitted to choose a single college course instead for a more focused and attentive learning experience. The College is partnered with Evergreen and shares many events, collaborations and clubs with its counterpart. One major difference, of course, is the fact that St. Paul's College does not have a dress-code nor any uniform standard, as long as the student ID is readily on-hand. Inside, the college offers a wider range of facilities for a more diverse level of unorthodox courses, such as computer suits, workshops and even a warehouse for storing mechanical gear. As previously mentioned, St. Paul's shares the same accommodation with Evergreen's long-distance students, which assists in students who are perhaps away from parents or in need for independence regardless of where their parents live. As for courses, St. Paul's College offers a strange and wider ranged assortment of practical qualifications that can be pursued by those interested. Only one course is allowed for St. Paul's College, but students from Evergreen will also gain access sometimes to their facilities and vice versa, allowing for a collaborative effort further down the line. Courses include: Engineering Motor Mechanics Computer Programming Software Design Carpentry Photography Film Studies Contemporary Art Medical Studies Sociology RSL in Music (Performance and Studio based) Food Production Design and Technology Textiles and Fashion [/hider] [hider=Accommodation][img]https://www.akademikerhilfe.at/sites/default/files/2017-11/3_MU_Fassade3_.jpg[/img] As mentioned before, both Evergreen and St. Paul's both offer a shared accommodation for long-distance students or those willing to garner their own independence. Rooms are paid for through a yearly fee as an additional cost. Rooms offer single or double beds with an en-suite bathroom. In the bath is a shower built into the bath to offer a more practical approach. Whilst some criticism has said the pricing for the accommodation itself is too low for its actual quality, but the inner-working surrounding its funding goes quite unclear. Students tend to not really care. It's a nice living space for students, and that's all that matters. Rooms are spread across 'halls' of 4. Four rooms are attached to a single corridor, and thus share a kitchen and living room amongst all four of them. Genders can be mixed or if by request specific gender-based. About 20% of Evergreen's students studying A-Levels occupy parts of the accommodation whilst around 40% from the College live there too. [/hider] [/hider] [/centre] Well, I hope I didn't miss anything major! If anyone has any questions about the roleplay, please ask me straight away, or ask my lovely Co-Gm whenever you wish. We'll try our best to answer what you want to ask about the RP itself. Do remember, there will be about 7-8 player applications accepted after a certain grace period. If after that grace period not enough characters are accepted I will allow more applications to come through until I have filled up all the appropriate spots. This isn't a first-come, first-serve basis, though leaving the application too late might cause you problems, but I can try and accommodate those. For individuals who may not be accepted, I do not wish to shun you away and do apologise in advance. Do remember that if any players drop out, their position may be opened up and anyone can reapply to fill their place accordingly! Thank you all for reading this OOC, and for those who wish to get involved, I wish you the best of luck and hope we can create something extravagantly jazzy within our story.