[b]Edon Wolf Outside the City Gates Dalenham, Ethora[/b] And so Edon had arrived on his own well ahead of time. Nothing had happened to him and there was no sign of an ambush. Slowly, as the sun eagerly began to peek over the horizon, tradesmen began to drift out of the city with wagons loaded heavy by goods. Woodsmen and farmers filed into the city with wagons loaded with goods to trade or empty and looking to be filled. A beggar seemed to eye the location to ask for scraps; he reconsidered after a withering glare from Edon and went into the city. Eventually, Varian arrived. The man was clearly hungover. Edon did a poor job of hiding his shock at this, and a much poorer job of hiding his detest over the affair. Then again, his scowl might just as easily be mistaken for the same expression he had worn since arriving at this city. When Drosten joined them, he would be given a glare that suggested Edon did not like him much. He was just in a bad mood now. However, hearing about how messy drunk they had gotten on the eve of meeting with a suspicious benefactor for a too-good-to-be-true secret mission didn't make him any happier.