[hr][center][h1][color=007236]Mahendra Huq Zalil[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/NnrWy0t/ezgif-com-webp-to-jpg.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=007236]Location:[/color] Athribis [Color=007236]Skills:[/color] N/A[/center][hr] Mahendra wanted to have an answer for Lauren on what they should do. The Bengali wished he knew exactly what to do in such a situation, and go straight on through it. Action was the name of the game! But as he stood there and stared at the spot where Bella had been a few moments earlier, his mind came up blank. It must have been a combination of shock at the unexpected, and that he had been a soldier in the Army, not an officer. The Lord Major though would surely know what to do! What Mahendra did not expect to happen, was for the Lord Major to throw himself so eagerly into the same hole. Reaching down in search of their lost and strange lady, that was one thing, but this? This time Mahendra jumped into action, handing his lit torch to anyone able to hold it for him, before throwing himself at his knees before the hole. [Color=007236]"Lord Major!"[/color] Mahendra shouted, looking down into the hole alongside Gene who holding out her hand. Even for her untimely comments on bravery, of which she couldn't possibly understand how brave a good Englishman could be, Mahendra felt a sense of relief that she was willing to help. [Color=007236]"Lord Major, are you all right? We're here, try to take our hands if you can!"[/color] Mahendra also stretched out his hand down into the hole like Gene, looking down into it to see the Lord Major hanging by his belt or something. If the Gods had been angry at their dearly beloved Lord Major, then Mahendra was more than happy that their anger didn't end in his death. After all, Mahendra had yet to prove his worth to that man. [Color=007236]"Lauren, Miss Kingston? Could any of your bring some light here? It's quite dark."[/color] [hider=Roll request for Mahendra] Characters current location: Athribis, underground. Kneeling near the hole the Lord Major is stuck in. Characters attempted actions: Assisting Gene in getting the Lord Major out of the whole of Certain Death! Any and all skills being used: Stamina. Why each skill is being called: Stamina in order to pull the Lord Major out without getting too tired. Desired location: Not moving until the Lord Major is SAFE. [/hider] [hr][center][h1][color=#255DB3]Richard Barker[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/FX9Jkcm/ezgif-1-bf9ff6a52eae.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=#255DB3]Location:[/color] Athribis [Color=#255DB3]Skills: [/color]Observation, Deduction[/center][hr] [color=#255DB3]"All right then, just be carefu-GOD!"[/color] If one could say one thing that made Richard really stand out in his current crowd of people, it was his tounge. He didn't care, he was used to swearing back home and few people batted an eye at his words. Then again he rarely ran in the 'right' crowds, so who was there to be outraged? Here however, people were certainly giving him a look or two. Richard didn't care for the split second the friendly stranger snapped his nose back in place, as a jolt of pain shot through his head. But as soon as his nose was back in place, he could breath out in relief. The cleaning he'd gotten wasn't bad either, though he was warned that it would hurt even more tomorrow. [color=#255DB3]"Yeah sure, I guess that's as good a reason as any to get stupidly drunk? Thanks pal, I owe you."[/color] Richard said back to the one helping him, giving a last thanks and offering a cigarette, before he turned back to the case at hand. Richard looked around the area, his detective-eyes scanning his surroundings, looking for any signs of where to head next. He'd been good at that back home; a door left open, a clearly ransacked drawer or file cabinet, a car left running, you name it. Besides seeing Faye still talking to the crazy goat-lady, Richard took note of a few places. With all the commotion at this place, nobody were paying attention to what was going on there. It was as good a start as any. Richard figured that if the Americans weren't in the area around the train, they might be at the actual dig-site. Richard looked back at where Faye was talking with the woman. He tried to get her attention, giving her a big wave and then nodding in the direction he was intending on going. If she was busy making conversation about supernatural goats and whatnot, he didn't want to waste any time, as Richard put his fedora back on his head and began making his way towards one of the areas he saw. His cigarette planted firmly between his fingers and the napkin wiping off whatever remaining bloodstains on his face, he was going. Richard Barker was back on the case! [hider=Roll request for Richard] Characters current location: Athribis Characters attempted actions: As Richard is walking away from the main area and towards one of the areas peple aren't taking note of, he'd like to do the usual prelimenary observation of where he's going. Any tracks left by people, anything standing out to him as a detective, that sorts. Preferably without attracting any more attention to himself. Any and all skills being used: Observation, Deduction, Stealth. Why each skill is being called: Observation for looking around as he's walking forward, Deduction for him to pick out things of interest to him, and Stealth to not attract any unwanted attention to himself. Desired location: Athribis, making his way to one of the areas people aren't paying attention to. [/hider]