[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MQa0QaA.png[/img][/center] Being in a vacuum, although not overly sudden, was still something of a surprise to Jenna. Not really controlling her breathing the lack of oxygen made her a tad woozy. When they were shifted and the air came back the knight coughed a bit as she drew in a fresh breath. Rubbing her head she nodded, noting Helga's presence but not really reacting one way or another. [color=plum]"Janet didn't send me, I just encountered you first. And I know because up until we split her memory is my memory. You can be sure what I said is exactly how she feels because we are nearly the same person right now."[/color] Glancing around she could see that a majority of Beacon's forces were moving away, which was fine. Despite not actually fighting Jenna looked rather defeated. This was not how she had wanted the talk with Su to go. Janet probably would have handled it better. [color=plum]"For what it may be worth, consider contacting Janet or I if you need help with something."[/color] Gesturing to Helga and Mika she added. [color=plum]"That goes for you as well. I may be a part of Beacon but some of us are trying to make some changes. It's slow going but there is some hope."[/color] Pointing out Kimble among her comrades. [color=plum]"If the fates allow perhaps we can meet again on better terms."[/color] There wasn't really a good way to say goodbye. Su hated her guts and it wouldn't be a stretch to assume the other two weren't very fond of anyone Beacon either. Turning Jenna walked away to rejoin her group. She would have tried to catch up with Janet but the other Beacon members were already well on their way after her own detour into the Overcity. Seeing that there were two others there that she didn't recognize speaking with Alicia she stood off to the side to try and catch up. Some kind of talk about Binky? Figures. While she had tried the Red Coin herself there wasn't a whole lot of other development from there as far as she knew. And Alicia knew even less most likely since Beacon was trying to keep a lid on that project. To try and give her friend a moment of breathing room she interjected. [color=plum]"Hello, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. I am Jenna."[/color] She offered a handshake to Lotus and Faith each. The contact would also help her more discreetly use her magic to learn a thing or two about them.