[h2]Kishinami Hakuno[/h2] "...Okay. Let's get the visit over with, and we can let her rest," Hakuno nodded to the small Servant. Having to relive being attacked by a Servant would not be a pleasant experience, Hakuno figured, but it had to be done. She spent most of the journey silently contemplating how best to approach the poor girl. No doubt the victim would be more reassured by a mature, possibly grizzled type of detective, and not a walking piece of cardboard and her frankly adorable sidekick? Soon enough, they had reached the hospital that Mary had been taken to. Putting on her best 'official' face, Hakuno entered and spoke with a receptionist, confirming her identity and reason for visiting. In short order, she was taken to the room Mary was currently residing in. After an inhale to try and calm her nerves, she knocked on the door and slid it open, entering. "...Saikawa Mary," Hakuno tried to keep the nervous quiver out of her voice as she addressed the injured girl, roughly around her own age, "I'm sorry to bother you. I'm Kishinami Hakuno of the Counter-Crime Force," she indicated the small Servant at her side, "And this is my partner, Saber." Hakuno approached the bed, glancing at Mary's injury. Obviously, it had been treated already, and looked nowhere near as bad as it probably did a shor time ago. Still, to be attacked like that in Fusang... "If you're able, I'd like to hear about what happened at the time of the incident," Hakuno spoke again, "with... as much detail as you can manage. If we know who we're looking for, we'll catch the culprit in no time."