[color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] [color=c4df9b]"Oh?"[/color] Almost immediately after she tried to recruit the Mage, a Ranger sauntered up, all familiar like, wanting to join. And another one, and another one. In a short span of time, she had managed to gather a Mage, a Ranger, a Blade dancer, a Phalanx and a Fiend Knight. The Blade Dancer was, of course, Muu, someone she had met before. All of this seemed like déjà vu to her. How quickly people had gathered around her, with even one that was in her old team. She felt a sense of impending doom, but... now there were two people who could fight in close quarters as well as divert attention from their less armored party members. A knight, whom she was interested in, considering he was a fellow knight, as well as a spearman holding a shield. Standing proudly, she announced her name. [color=c4df9b]"I am Ettamri Belarence, daughter of Bocas, son of Camlarant, who fought alongside his father Geval the Wise in the old war, proud heir to the name of Belarence, and bearer of the Rozen crest."[/color] [color=c4df9b]"There is no objection to taking this escort quest, right? I've been to Fort Stalwart before, having participated in the battle to retake it from Tithemal and his orcs. Of course, I should be the leader of this party. If there's any objection to the quest taken, or me leading, speak now or forever hold your peace."[/color] She crossed her arms, waiting for them to choose. If they wanted some easier lower leveled quests, they would be welcome to choose, but she had no time to do menial quests the lesser adventurers should be doing. And if they wanted a new leader... well, then they'd have to prove they were capable of leading. [@OwO][@Th3King0fChaos][@Rondo of Blood][@Skyswimsky][@Searat]