[@Cio][@Eviledd1984] The icy silence that followed Aava’s testament was punctuated by a thud as the clerk passed out and slumped forward on her desk, dropping her book onto the polished floor. In some measure he was horrified, sure, but above all he was confused by Aava’s manner. She was a persuasive beast, cunning and playful like a wicked barn cat. Her habits and needs for flesh were revolting, that went without saying, but she didn’t ask to be that way. They were all horrible prey to fate, to bad fortune, to a vengeful god somewhere; they had all suffered more than their share, to bring suffering was the way of things. She was no more a monster than he or James, right? As he watched his skeletal friend go he scrambled to quell the flames. [color=cc3300]“J-James, wait, she’s not a monster it’s just—“[/color] he choked on excuses, withdrawing somewhat as he watched James leave. He looked back to Aava. [color=cc3300]“Where… (Aava, where have you been? What happened to you?)”[/color]