Serenity smiled when Cole agreed with her and she watched the students around them as they walked inside before she shrugged a bit and glanced at Cole [color=purple]“It is what it is unfortunately, I have a little bit of everything it seems like though the biggest ability is being able to touch someone and know what’s going on with them, physically at least…”[/color] She smiled a little as she realized that she had inadvertently let Cole know why she had been so jumpy on the day they met but she just sighed. She moved through the cabin finding the room with the large window and view of the lake she leaned against the frame and looked out hearing the other walk up behind her again she shifted. 

She listened to him for a few moments after he asked if she was thinking about staying in this room and when she had been about to answer Cole excused himself and left, she chuckled a little and pretty much ignored his words about thinks trying to attack them. She didn’t know what they were in for here in the woods but she also knew Colles wouldn’t let any harm come to them either so she just smiled and found a bed before setting down her bag and stretching. She could hear the murmur of the other students downstairs and she had seen one of the other girls sitting near a tree outside but in truth she was feeling a bit more at peace than she had for quite awhile and knowing she was alone she slipped off her gloves and closed her eyes for a few moments. When she finally got the nerve up she laid one of her hands against the bunkbed where she had set her bag and took a deep breath as the memories from past groups came rushing in. She had been practicing the last few months on shifting through the information she got from a touch at least with inanimate objects, she had yet to practice on anyone living, and she smiled as she saw flashes of laughing strangers. Moving back from the bed she trailed her fingers over a wall controlling her breathing as she did so and smiled again as even more images came through. She was going to wear herself out but at least she knew she would sleep well tonight. [@Raptra]