[hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmJlMGUwZS5TRzl5ZFhNLC4y/requiem.regular.png[/img] [h3][b][color=fff200]Giza, Egypt[/color][/b][/h3] [hider=Flight of the Red Devil] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l0qjFzpANg&t[/youtube] [/hider][/center] [hr][hr] Far to the north, below the massive pyramids of Giza that towered into the heavens, the city below was only just recovering from the minor tremor that rippled through them. Still, despite the minor damage that Giza had suffered, everything seemed to be going as usual - if not for the minor delays in shipping out important goods. Even the great pyramids still stood, showing very minor -rather insignificant - damage to their ancient limestone foundation. They stood the tests of time for thousands of years and there they remain for perhaps another several thousand years. All seemed as if nothing had happened. Then came a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the desolate sands beyond. It's magnitude caused the ground below the shocked residents to vibrate, with pebbles bouncing and legs nearly tripping. Now the civilians halted everything they were doing and looked to the southeast. People looked into the dusty skies - from the ground to their rooftops - as they saw a large cloud of sand approach their humble residency. Crimson light would begin to peer through the dust before revealing Horus' approaching upon Giza. An elderly man wobbled his fragile frame towards the great god, dropping his wooden cane, as he raised his hands to the sky. His eyes were wild in disbelief and his jaw unhinged. [b][i]"انه يأتي! انه يأتي! لقد حان حورس العظيم! (He comes! He comes! The great Horus has come!)"[/i][/b] the man cried ecstatically. Yet the others did not share his sympathy. They screamed in dreadful terror as they abandoned their stations and ran the opposite way. Another booming call came from the crimson demon as the giant pterosaur began to fly closely beside the great pyramids, his great mass causing hurricane-force winds to blow over the puny huts below. He narrowly missed destroying the great landmarks of history, almost as if it was his intention to miss them. Yet he showed no mercy to the inhabitants below, with people and debris flying in the gale-force winds as they helplessly tried to cling onto anything aground. Even the local military was powerless to halt the massive pterosaur's advance. Their missiles proved worthless in penetrating Horus' thick sturdy scales and against the titan's heat beam, they would be instantly incinerated upon colliding with it. After proving his dominance and destroying most of the city, Horus then landed on one of the great Pyramids before once again issuing a booming territorial call and raising his wings high into the air. He has reclaimed Giza as his new territory, upon a great wonder of the ancient world. And he will not let anyone take his glorious city from him... no matter the cost. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi4yMzhlYTQuUVd0b2JIVjAuMQ,,/lady-ice.sc-bold.png[/img] [h3][b]Anchorage, Alaska[/b][/h3] [@Ubermensch] [hider=Frozen Chaos] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2Dp-WLSsm0[/youtube] [/hider] [/center] [hr][hr] A single blast of a powerful water jet from his blowhole was enough to have the whale-beast Akhlut break out of Outpost 4. Bursting from his millennia-long frozen sarcophagus from within the ice, the titanic beast emerged from the frozen waters and leapt out with a sudden burst of speed. He leapt over the very outpost that had imprisoned him before he dove right back into the water, breaking the thick ice as he descended. As he swam beneath the ice, he could sense a familiar foe nearby, one that he knew all too well. His nemesis was near and that very feeling made his cold-blooded exterior run hot with rage. His taste for freedom was now at risk due to that giant bear's presence. It was not too late for him to flee - afterall, his movement was far superior in water. He could dart deeper into the water and pop out at a more peaceful location. But at the same time, he felt obliged to fight him - wanting to prove him dominance towards the lumbering oaf. Akhlut would turn back around, following Wechuge's scent. His lumbering footsteps above shook the very ice above him, providing him to pinpoint where the great bear was. And once he figured out his location, the whale-wolf would dive several hundred meters into the pitch-black abyss. Within moments, Akhlut was swimming upwards at an accelerated pace before he burst through the ice above. The titan lunged towards Wechuge with his maw open and his arms stretched towards him, letting out a terrible roar as he attempted to pounce upon his furry, land-lubbering, nemesis.