[h3]Alexander[/h3] Exiting slipstreams was tricky, but once you knew the process it was pretty easy to do. The key was to disperse the momentum you'd built up without crashing into the ground, or rather the white void that acted as the ground. And as Alexander was ejected from the stream he started wheeling his legs until one of his feet struck something solid, at which point he allowed himself to tumble forward, landed on his upper arm, and rolled for a few more feet. As he got up, it struck him how utterly bizarre this place was. He didn't mind emptiness- an empty sky was an absolute joy to fly through after all, but this wasn't quite the same. Before he could think too much about it, Kade was handing him an apple and he realized just how hungry he'd gotten. "Much obliged," he said as he took it and began to chomp into it from the side. While he was eating, Astrid approached and asked him a question. "Honestly? The hell if I know," he said between bites of apple, "Never done anything like it in my life. I kind of just... felt the wind, and tried commanding it like a mount almost. And somehow it worked. Maybe because of whatever was in that tunnel?" He took another large chomp. "Your guess is as good as mine."