[@Lord Wraith] That's a fair point. (Just got of work now so I'm looking some stuff over/slowly reading through where I left off in the IC) Thanks for alleviating some of the unnecessary stress. Not too worried about the Constantine matter, I had a few ideas even like two months ago with replacing [url=http://d2lzb5v10mb0lj.cloudfront.net/covers_tfaw/400/ju/jul120184.jpg]John with somebody that would work a little bit better with the story.[/url] Kinda ambitious me to pick such a highbrow ticket as an NPC anyway, so I kinda knew something like that would eventually happen. So we can just officially consider him un-NPCeed and I'll edit the sheet to reflect that soon. And of course if they want to hash anything out with me with what they wanted to use Zantanna to do a potential collab or something in the future, if they really needed that arc I would be more than happy to do that as well. So I guess what I'm saying is I'm willing to at least take the shot. What did Michael Scott/Wayne Gretzky say? "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take and all that."