Name: Johnathan Flint Jr. Age: 55 Race: Hybrid Faction: none PI: 7.6 Physical Appearance: 6'7", emerald green eyes, body builders build, brown hair with protoss tendrils present, fair colored skin with some freckles, Armament: Classic Colt .45 revolver, Psi-blade, morphed weaponry. Armor: Modified zealot armor that adjusts with John's morph ability, stores into two gauntlets that contain Lorain nanites that were a gift to John Sr, Abilities: morph, feral form, psi-storm, plague, consume (can gain other abilities from it), telepathy, mechopathy, changeling link, psi-barrier, More details to come. Leah Flint Age: 55 Race: Hybrid Faction: None PI: 9.2 Physical Appearance: 6'4", gold colored eyes, dirty blonde hair with varying length and some protoss tendrils showing, slightly tanned skin color Armament: psi-blade (small enough to be hidden up a sleeve of normal clothing), Single modified kaiser blade, AGR 14 modified for only a three round burst with a 4x zoom scope, Armor: Modified spectre armor with nyx class cloaking module and reduced armor plating for additional maneuverability, also adjusts with Leah's morph ability, Abilities: morph, telekinesis, telepathy, nightmare vision (target that looks into her eyes relives worst memory/nightmare), cloak, changeling link, blink, psi-shield more details to come. Ivan Flint "Grey Eyes" Age: 55 Race: Hybrid Faction : none PI: 4.8 Physical Appearance: 6'5", grey eyes, short cut ink black hair no protoss tendrils show, pale skin color, Armament: combat knife, C-10 style rifle but set with a quicker reload and a suppressor, shots can be minorly charged with Ivan's psionics. Armor: Modified ghost armor with no cloaking module, Abilities: Shadow step, detonator egg, changeling link, multi-strike, shadow bending, psionic shot, More details to come.