Cointooth heard the voice and immediately recognized it. He'd sold that guy... what was it? Ah yes, he sold him that Soul Sapphire a few months back. A bit over half a year, now. Name of... Travis, probably? That sounded right. Cointooth flashed a smile at the approaching mage, his golden canine tooth throwing a spot of yellow light onto the wall. "Mister Davison," Cointooth said with the usual Goblin rasp. Goblins were said to talk as if they were in the middle of chewing a mouthful of gravel. Cointooth was no exception, but his voice was strangely deep for a Goblin. "I hope that trinket I sold you was of good use." Cointooth had acquired that particular gem through a fence who'd picked it out of a wizard's pocket. Grabshine had gotten it extra cheap, since the fool had no idea what he had. Grabshine bought it at normal Sapphire price, and sold it to Travis at above average cost due to a "recent shut down" of a mine in Al-Zaram that provided much of the sapphire for the region. Cointooth had been a very happy goblin for about a week off that purchase. "I am glad that the winds of time and circumstance have brought you to me again. Have you found yourself in need of additional trinkets, or is this simply a friendly visit?" Grabshine took a deep breath through his nose, then took a pull from his pipe and blew a stream of blue smoke. Travis smelled of a human on the cusp of seeking someone to warm their bed. Apparently he'd spotted someone he fancied. Cointooth said nothing of this for now. But he would bring it up when it seemed right. [@Master Crim]