[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmQwOWE5YS5RVzUxLjA,/it-started.again.png[/img][/center] [hr] Soft-soled boots and discalced feet were nearly silent as they strode through dense underbrush, the air filled with the fragrances of a living forest. Fir, willow, bamboo and camphor were the dominant trees in this southern branch of the great western forest of the Nanhe. The musky scent of smoke and decay were also there, intermingling with the more delicate scents of recent rains to add to the full aroma of the forest floor. All combined to give the very air life and movement as Anu and his party carefully maneuvered through the trees. Here and there birds called from their high and hidden perches in the branches of willows and camphor to add music to the glades and small animals rustled in counterpoint through the underbrush. The servants’ dressings were varying levels of convenient for the journey. Qiang Quan ended up carrying the old Zhu Rongyuan who spent his time cataloguing the journey on a large palm frond using ink made from berry juice. Fu Lai’an seemed more used to impractical movements in heavy dresses, and Yong Cai’s linen pants were ideal for the climate and terrain. The elder looked up from his frond and bowed his head at Anu. “Blessed lord, if this one may be so impolite as to ask, where does His Glorious Anu wish to travel?” The ape paused. Time had begun to dissolve into itself, as shapeless as rain within these jungles. Hours became days and days seemed to fold into one another. All the while the veil of unconsciousness only seemed to dissolve completely from his mind, sending it into a tumult ushered by this new reality. Shrubbery shifted as Anu ascended to his full height, now standing three heads above the tallest of the servants. [color=MistyRose]”Cherished Zhu, this one wishes to know, how great is this galbar?”[/color] “According to His Lordship’s records, the galbar as measured from the Dragon’s Foot in the east to Istais in the west spans the unfathomable distance of thirty thousand kilometres, the distance from the north to the south being similar. It may even be larger than so, the empty space elsewhere being filled with swathes of deserted waters. According to the records, the galbar is composed of six large continents: The sister continents Swahitteh-Tendlepog to the north, Kalgrun to the west, Atokhekwoi to the south, the Kick to the north, and here - the Dragon’s Foot.” He bowed his head as deeply as he could from his position in Qiang Quan’s arms. [color=MistyRose]”Fascinating.”[/color] Anu sighed. [color=MistyRose]”Zhu, I desire to travel to the ends of the world and back. To drink in the marvels of godly creation. To conquer every mountain, to sail every ocean, to enlighten all people.”[/color] a pause. Golden eyes lifted to drink in the light of Heliopolis. [color=MistyRose]”But not as a simple adventurer, this soul yearns for something greater.”[/color] The old servant nodded with closed eyes. Yong Cai and Fu Lai’an both kowtowed before the ape - Qiang Quan knelt as to not drop Zhu Rongyuan. “Your Lordship will indeed be worthy of all these feats in time - yet a crucial detail remains unsolved: A king is no king without a kingdom. To conquer, to sail, to rule - all of these actions require a people, and lands for that people to inhabit. Therefore, it is this one’s recommendation that Your Lordship acquires those first.” He bowed his head again. [color=MistyRose]”Land and a people..”[/color] the ape murmured quietly, the words hung the air. His mind returned to the hallowed words of his fathers. [color=MistyRose]”Zhu, earlier you made mention six continents, great swathes of land created by the gods. What peoples live upon them?”[/color] “According to His Lordship’s records, there are no peoples of note on this good galbar yet. Individuals, yes, but no groups of mortals - well, apart from the children of Saint Hermes and Her Ladyship Xiaoli, your aunts,” said the old servant. “Therefore, this one regrets to say that there are currently a distinct lack of peoples to lead. However, Your Divinity’s blood is holy and pure - perhaps You needn’t adhere to restraints like ‘a lack of people’,” he suggested. Anu responded with opaque silence, his bluff face brooding. The gods for all their time wrought upon galbar one fantastical work after another, from flying beast to wiley rodent. Yet left mortal life. The ape pushed air through his nose and regarded the servants, works of his father Shengshi, molded into exemplary models of life by his doctrine and standards. His eyes raked across the surrounding forest, his divine sight blessing him with vision beyond that of any normal creature. It was undomesticated, feral, and so was the rest of Galbar. A virgin world yet to deflowered by man. [color=MistyRose]”Yes..”[/color] a look of resolute determination on his face. [color=MistyRose]”I needn’t adhere to any worldly restraint. If the gods allow Galbar to continue this way, untamed, savage, and unbroken, then I myself with a people worth calling my own shall domestic it.”[/color] A heavily chained arm rose with a grace yet thought possible with its burden, pointing towards the great Nanhe in the distance. [color=MistyRose]”And where better to start, then with lands of my father.”[/color] he promulgated. “A worthy proposal, Your sacred Majesty,” Zhu went. “The jungle is rich in fauna and fruit to sustain Your people, and the foliage provides shelter from the daily rains.” Zhu pointed further west. “Furthermore, if His Majesty continues through the jungle, He will find great plains of flax for His people to spin into clothing and grass for His people to weave to baskets. Then, to the north, His Lordship has planted rice along Beihe, the ideal food crop for a great civilisation to-be.” [color=MistyRose]”No doubt a land ripe for the pickings!”[/color] the ape followed, his chest swelling with pride. [color=MistyRose]”Tell me then, cherished servants, upon where shall my seat of power be established?”[/color] This time, it was Qiang Quan who spoke. “While the Supreme Leader's access to the jungle is recommended, founding the capital of His empire to-be inside a maze of vines and fronds presents a considerable logistical challenge. While His Majesty no doubt can surmount any of these trials with ease, these puny mortals… Well, they cannot even be compared to Your might.” As if providing proof for his statement, he lifted Zhu Rongyuan up a little as to demonstrate that he, in fact, could not traverse the jungle landscape unaided. ”Therefore,” he continued, ”this servant humbly proposes that the capital be founded on the Xishan plains, or perhaps even by the foot of the great Xishan mountain.” The other servants bowed in agreement. Yong Cai spoke next, “Jungle wood will be difficult to cut with any stone tools our mortal hands can fashion - a capital on the plains with access to straw and small, flexible saplings will provide more convenient resources without sacrificing too much distance from the jungle and river.” “Yes, access to the rivers will be vital,” Zhu added. “With Nanhe's unpredictable, destructive floods, these servants also recommend keeping important infrastructure away from the southern jungle. Beihe is considerably more suited for a stationary settlement. The rivers provide clay, mud and - most vitally - water for your people and crops. It cannot be ignored.” A nod of acknowledgement, Xishan would be the bed of his empire. [color=MistyRose]”Honored Servants, may your sacred service remain everlasting.”[/color] he said as he gestured gently forward. [color=MistyRose]”Lead the way.”[/color] Once more, they kowtowed before their master - even Zhu was placed down on the ground so he could properly demonstrate his respect. Then, after Qiang Quan picked him up again, the elder once more pointed westwards. The group followed the tall warrior carrying the smaller magister accordingly. "Great Nanhe lies between us and the plains," Zhu mentioned as they walked. "We will have to cross it to reach the plains. Flood season is passed, though it is still a considerable distance. There is not a shred of doubt in this one's soul, however, that it will be no more than a leisurely swim for His Majesty," he reassured. The albino scoffed. [color=MistyRose]”And how shall my hallowed advisors be crossing? Certainly Zhu shall not swim across, lest father’s blessings are far more numerous than this one can count?”[/color] The servants stopped, bowed and continued walking. "His Majesty's concern is most appreciated," said Zhu, backed up by inclined heads from the other three. "However, these servants are of the river, and the river is in them. Swimming through Nanhe to them is as simple as walking to the Supreme Leader himself. These servants will be quite alright." [color=MistyRose]”Ah, I see, let us proceed then.”[/color] he chortled as he fell in step. What fascinating creature the gods created. The group wandered ever further until they reached the bank of Nanhe. To most, the river resembled a lake with a current, its width so grand that the opposite bank nearly disappeared behind the clouds of mist that drifted lethargically above the waters. However, the shade of green at the edge of the horizon teased the existence of more life on the other side - more lands to be conquered. The servants almost ceremoniously removed their heavier garments, packed them in fronds and held the packages tightly against their bodies as they slipped into the water. As they did, the sand and mud on their skin dissipated, leaving four variously shaped, yet globe-like water heads looking patiently at Anu. The current was strong as always, but relatively weak today. Anu too wasted no time. Within the green-algaed and brown-mudded waters he could feel the hand of his father Shengshi, heady and true. Without a word the colossal dived, cleaving the water with powerful strokes as soon as he surfaced. There was something about the motion that seemed to come naturally, an organic fluidity in every move. "His Majesty masters the waters on His first swim. Truly, He is of our Lord's blood," Zhu praised. "Truly, He is!" Fu Lai'an echoed gleefully. "Does His Majesty feel at ease in the river?" said Yong Cai. Spray flew outwards several feet, his powerful arms parting the river before him. [color=MistyRose]”This is the domain of my father. I feel nothing but ardor in these waters.”[/color] he breathed, not missing a beat. "An encouraging sign, for certain," said Zhu with a transparent smile. "Now, if His Majesty would like to follow us." Effortlessly, as if they were their own currents in the river, the four advisors drifted towards the opposite bank with great speed. The demigod couldn’t keep pace with the river spirits, their bodies one with the Nanhe itself, but he kept good time, cutting into waters with every motion. The powerful current offered a considerable challenge, even to the great ape, but in the end it was eventually outmatched by the sheer power of Anu’s strokes. The group reached the other side at last, its flora and fauna already a little different than that of the opposite bank simply due to the vast distance. The servants quickly absorbed the necessary sand and mud from the shore into their bodies to form a new skin, then dressed with all the deftness of actors putting on their costumes. They kowtowed before Anu and Zhu spoke: “Did His Majesty enjoy the swim?” Chains rattled as Anu sloughed off the algae that clung to his hair. [color=MistyRose]”Refreshing, I suppose. We proceed on foot from here?”[/color] “His Majesty guess is worthy. From here, we will trek westwards on foot until we reach the Xishan plains. There, a plan for His Majesty’s future empire shall be laid.” When he finished, Qiang Quan picked Zhu up in his arms and proceeded to move through the foliage, followed by the two others. With a silent acknowledgement Anu padded after the escort, moving confidently through the dense undergrowth. This part of the jungle was at once much denser than the east, and at once much more open. Walls of vines and fronds gave way to large clearings surrounded with bamboo and farmer apes, some of which snarled at the four servants, but cowered at the sight of Anu. Along the route, a family of tree monkeys climbed down from their home to offer their hands in respective gesture to Anu. Boars, frogs, birds - all bowed before the ape king. Anu regarded them all with a sense of what could best be described as pride, raising his hand in acknowledgment, and releasing them from their acts of obedience. The beasts and birds complied, but kept their heads bowed always as Anu passed by. “Not even to the Lord himself do these animals bow like this,” assured Zhu Rongyuan. “Naturally, if he demanded it, they would, but nothing below a servant has ever gone out of its way to praise him. His Majesty’s presence is inherently dominating. How does His Majesty feel about that, if this one may be so rude as to ask?” The forest grew thinner with every step. They were approaching an endless, yellow light in the distance. [color=MistyRose]”I suppose one might call it a sense of pride…”[/color] thin lips fought back the curl of a smile. [color=MistyRose]a moment of...self-actualization perhaps. To know of your mandate at birth and then to see it true, it’s a feeling in find hard to put into words, dear Zhu, other then...right.”[/color] “A worthy conclusion, Your Majesty,” said Zhu noddingly. The group broke through the final wall of vines and wood to reveal the endless, flat stretches of yellow and green grass, backgrounded by two great, green twin peaks tipped with white and surrounded by clouds. Boars trundled across the plains in great packs, and birds sat pecking at the seeds in the ground. However, all in all, the plains were surprisingly empty. “We have arrived,” proclaimed Zhu Rongyuan. Anu’s expression was unreadable as he gazed upon the fantastic expanse. Golden-tawny grass and golden green turf checker-boarded in a pattern as wide as the world itself. [color=MistyRose]”The Xishan plains...”[/color] he whispered, for a moment allowing the full weight of his own satisfaction to flood his senses. Ceremoniously he raised his hands to encompass the expanse in its entirety. [color=MistyRose]”Yes, this one can see it now, a gilded city rising from these plains, one of newfound prosperity in this dark and wild age of beasts and battle. One of salvation from ignorance and enfeeblement, one that shall pave the way of balance and civility upon with untamed world. This prehistoric rawness of living led by least significant of sentience shall be wrought from existence, by any means.”[/color] he proclaimed, the power of his voice carrying across the plains. [color=MistyRose]”Such is my mandate as king.”[/color] Chest swelling the ape’s arms returned to his sides. [color=MistyRose]”Dear Servants?”[/color] he intoned without shifting his gaze from the landscape. All four kowtowed before their master. “Yes, Your Majesty?” they sounded in unison. [color=MistyRose]”We begin this work immediately. My seat of power. I require your wisdom on its construction.”[/color] Yong Cai stood up, bowed again and surveyed the area. “It is this one’s opinion that Your Majesty’s capital should be settled either in the centre of the plains, for easy access to food and materials; to the north, for easy access to food and water; or at the foot of the Xishan mountains for a more defensible position. Any of these options are worthy, but it is up to His Majesty to choose.” Qiang Quan nodded. “Transporting water to the first option opens for both Nanhe and Beihe to be suitable sources - however, the distance is still noticeable, and it may be inconvenient to travel such distances for one of the most basic requirements for life. This one therefore proposes His Majesty choose the second option.” Fu Lai’an remained kowtowing and spoke, “This one has seen both the plains, Xishan and Beihe, and in terms of aesthetic pleasure, only the Beihese environment is worthy of His Majesty’s presence. This one therefore also humbly suggests that His Majesty select option two.” Zhu Rongyuan stood up and looked to the north. “As His Majesty’s advisor on questions related to that of the state, Beihe provides a rich access to food and water, indeed - yet it lies on the border to Qiangshan, and the records speak of vicious creatures north of those mountains, and ghastly lands carved with blood - the lands of His Majesty’s other father, His Holiness Narzhak, King of Strife and Steel. Strikes from the northern beasts can prove a challenge to expansion, especially to mortals that cannot begin to measure up against His Majesty. This servant therefore suggests the first option.” Anu pointed a finger to north. [color=MistyRose]”What is the current state of the waters to the north, they smell of fire, as if they boil?”[/color] Zhu nodded solemnly. “A vile curse was cast upon the Dragon’s Strait a long time ago - they constantly and ceaselessly boil, killing anything and everything that enters it. It will, most regrettably, hinder any effort to sail into the open sea from His Majesty’s capital. Nanhe circumvents this issue, but, as mentioned before, the flood patterns simply make the risks of settling permanently much too great. The final option is to settle by the shores to the west, but these are unknown and uncharted - very little is explored there.” [color=MistyRose]”No, no need. We settle north. On the Beihe. We hold the greatest of advantages there upon the river. The northern beasts will prove to be no challenge.”[/color] Anu settled. “As His Majesty commands,” the four advisors sounded. With that, once more, they began to trek northwards; this time, however, Zhu Rongyuan could walk on his own. They marched through grass and clay, past trees and jungle to the east and open plains to the west. As they approached Beihe, the atmosphere grew thick with delicious scents and vivid with the sound of life. They walked alongside the river northwards, the fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles all bowing to Anu as he passed. Even some of the plants bent slightly in his direction. They came upon the edge of the grasslands to the south, next interjection from the first of the great tributaries to Beihe from the Qiangshan mountains. Here, Yong Cai dug up a handful of moist clay and squeezed it between her fingers. She then stepped around in circles, plummeting her feet into the ground a few times. She stepped a few hundred metres further inland, did the same action a few more times, and then came back, kowtowed and spoke, “Your Majesty - settling right by the river will be difficult; however, about half a kilometre further inland, His Majesty will find good land to carry His palace and the houses of His people. It will not be too far from the river, either.” The demigod momentarily glanced in the proposed direction. [color=MistyRose]”Excellent.”[/color] he said, then he mimicked Yong Cai’s previous action, digging up a handful of clay and squeezing it between his fingers. [color=MistyRose]”This substance is an adequate building material?”[/color] he inquired without looking up. Yong Cai nodded. “While wood is the simplest material to work with, it is believed that clay also can make for proper housing. However, to extract workable amounts, there will be a need for the necessary infrastructure, such as toolmakers, storage huts and sledges - all of these will have to be built with simpler materials for now, like wood or boar furs.” Zhu Rongyuan raised a cautionary hand. “Furthermore, to properly construct His Majesty’s capital, there will be a need for manpower - a city is built by the people for the people, and to the honour of their king. There is no doubt that His Majesty could easily found a city by His own divine hand, yet a city without a people to rule would be dull.” Anu studied the grained earth, absent-mindedly folding it in his hands. [color=MistyRose]”Zhu you made mention of a threat in the Qiangshan.”[/color] he noted as his stance changed. Anu began taking huge clumps of clay from the earth, with both hands now, creating a pile. The elder nodded. “The records suggest as much. Qiangshan is home to a cruel, gruesome kind of dragon, one which origins are tied to the great Flame Demon. Behind the mountain, the records speak of six-legged tigers and yellow-maned snakes which venom melts the skin and skeleton. No, no - in this servant’s arrogant opinion, there is little good to be said about those mountains save for their sacred purpose of walling these horrors off from our humble piece of Heaven.” [color=MistyRose]”Notably dangerous indeed, dear Zhu.”[/color] Anu approved as he began to mold the pile of clay. He spoke as he worked, creating separate but equal piles a clay each about the size of a servant’s hand. [color=MistyRose]”But while you see danger I only see opportunity. Tell me what lies further beyond this wall of stone.”[/color] Zhu tugged at his long, whitened beard. “The records in that regard are far from complete, regrettably, yet a few details are of note: Firstly, Guoqiangdi, or the Land Beyond the Wall, is a grey, ashen wasteland according to His Lordship. There is little of note there except for the River Seihdhar, which existence is in itself a grave sin.” The elder shook his head. “Forgive this respectless servant for uttering such despicable words, but His Majesty must know of the horror that is that streak of soil and suffering.” He bowed deeply before he nodded back up. “Secondly, the Great Scar, or the World Scar, His Majesty’s second father’s home, lies beyond the mountains - or rather, next to them far to the east. Thirdly, there is the White Land, but His Lordship has never seen it up close - in fact, it is not known what it actually is.” If Anu was at all impressed he showed little signs of it, instead enthralled in his growing project. Lumps of clay where fashioned into prehensile feet from which a thin yet powerful torso stood stable upon. Anu used river water to keep the clay moist. He gestured for Yong to join him, instructing her begin on the upper body. [color=MistyRose]”On this continent alone the creativity of the gods are wondrous. What of elsewhere?”[/color] Yong Cai obeyed, seemingly giddy from the honour. She started sculpting the upper body to resemble Anu’s mighty build, yet reduced to the point where the legs still could properly support it. Meanwhile, Zhu tugged thoughtfully at his beard. “In addition to the three Great Rivers, Beihe, Nanhe and Taipang, the Dragon’s Foot is home to two other places of note: Siguo, the Land of Death, and Henshan, or the Mountain of Hate.” Zhu gestured eastward, where even from here - across the continent - black clouds could be seen in the far distance. “It is the home of the Flame Demon, and a death sentence for every Servant. They are cursed lands, indeed.” [color=MistyRose]”A god I presume?”[/color] “A demon, Your Majesty,” Zhu Rongyuan insisted. “For fear of summoning Its wrath, these servants dare not speak Its name. Please, forgive their disobedience.” He kowtowed. Anu let out a deep rumbling laughter as he fashioned lean arms from the shoulders that rested proudly on the waist. [color=MistyRose]”You are forgiven, call it what you like. Its barbarism has no place in this dream of mine. What of the other divines?”[/color] “The Nanhese jungle’s origin likely date to the First Age, though the records from back then are old and unclear. His Lordship did not write as much back then as he does now - He was no doubt quite busy shaping the world. Naturally, there is also the Kick to the north, though that land has seen little to no development throughout time, if observations from the air are to be trusted.” The elder scratched his chin with furrowed brows. “There is also the Cauldron, in which His Majesty was born. This servant reckons that place will become a destination of pilgrimage for His Majesty’s loyal followers. It -is-, after all, a most sacred place.” Once more, he bowed. “Then finally, there is the gate to Your Majesty’s father’s home, the great and holiest of places: Hemen, the River Gate. It is a mighty archway of water opened with a sacred key - the head of a dragon - that leads into the Land of Heaven, Fengshui Fuyou.” As he uttered the name of the sphere, all the servants fell to their knees, kowtowed thrice and rose back up. Yong put the final few touches to the sculpture, it’s visage akin to that of Anu himself, albeit much smaller. The look of satisfaction graced the ape’s face as the thing neared completion. [color=MistyRose]”And what of the other continents? I’m sure divinity has touched them as well.”[/color] “Very much so, Your Majesty,” Zhu Rongyuan assured. “Among these, the most well known to His Lordship are Istais and Tendlepog. Istais, the Island of Light, is the home of Her Holiness Asceal, the Queen of Light. It is a spectacular little island, according to the records, with adorable small mountains, rolling hills and lakes. Furthermore, it is the home of His Lordship’s most prized accomplishment in terms of rivercraft - Lihe, the Beautiful River. While none of the servants have ever seen it, the poems describe it as simply marvellous. The snowy mountains are home to some of His Lordship’s creations, as well, like the Istaian mountain goat and the snow toad.” He eyed the sculpture for a moment. “His Majesty’s skill in the arts is astounding, truly.” “Very much so,” Fu Lai’an said with a breathy, soft voice and reddened cheeks. Anu regarded the rather crude statue, while it lacked great detail, it’s countenance was one of regality, a proud simian, standing at five feet and five inches, almost six heads his lesser. [color=MistyRose]”Earlier Zhu you proclaimed that I needn’t adhere to worldly constraints, for I was a divine and creation was my mandante.”[/color] he began, gesturing towards the statue. [color=MistyRose]”Here stands the manifestation of those words I too found only truth in. A people worth ruling. A Pygmy, the children of Anu and of these plains.”[/color] A gesture towards Yong. [color=MistyRose]”I commission you to craft nine more of similar build and countenance, yet allow your imagination to freely embellish them is you wish.”[/color] “At once, Your Majesty,” Yong Cai answered, bowed and immediately commenced. Qiang Quan shoveled the necessary clay out of the riverbank and Fu Lai’an’s deft, nimble fingers produced beautiful details like muscle lines, pores, strands of hair and more. Zhu Rongyuan regarded the shape with an approving nod. “His Majesty’s creation is worthy,” he proclaimed. “They will certainly grow to be a mighty people of culture and wisdom.” The elder opened his arms and looked to the sky. “His Lordship can surely see Your progress - this servant is certain He feels nothing but pride.” Anu had already returned to work on the first sculpture, embellishing its details. [color=MistyRose]”This one is sure he is. No room for failure.”[/color] he breathed, hiding an almost undetectable edge somewhere within. “Indeed,” Zhu Rongyuan nodded. Yong Cai, meanwhile, patted clay around the hip section of one of her projects, using a flat stone to flatten and pronounce the curves. Its form was placed a head shorter than the height of the first one. The womanly form was given the similar simian features and presented to Anu. “Blessed leader,” Yong Cai called softly and bowed. “This servant proposes this to be a standard mould for the female counterpart. The hips width will improve the chances of conflict-free births and thus grant Your Majesty’s population a much steadier population growth.” [color=MistyRose]’Outstanding.”[/color] Anu praised, studying the figure before adding another lump of clay to his masterpiece. [color=MistyRose]”Be sure to keep them equal in number this growth is key. Your work is splendid.”[/color] With reignited vigour, the grinning Yong Cai poured her soul and skill into producing a beautiful second figure, this one lean, fit and handsome - a simian that would attract several mates for certain. Meanwhile, Fu Lai’an made her own sculpture, another female with a mighty build, almost similar to Anu, though still much shorter. Qiang Quan had scooped enough mud to complete the commission, so he modelled a statue similar to the first, but a little skinnier, even. After several hours, the king of the apes was presented with ten similar, yet distinctly shaped pygmies, all of which were almost staring intently at him, as if awaiting his command. Golden eyes as bright as Heliopolis themselves appraised each and every one. His people. A people worthy to tame this wretched world by his hand. His own children. A well of hubris bubbled as that idea came to pass, but he quickly stamped it down, he’d reveled in enough today. [color=MistyRose]”Your work today servants of mine has been superb, worthy of every accolade under Heliopolis.”[/color] he said bowing toward the servants, albeit not as low. The servants all cast themselves to the ground and prostrated themselves. “These servants only wish to adequately serve their worthy king,” went Zhu Rongyuan. The elder stood back up, his head still inclined and his left hand covering his right fist. “Will His Majesty awaken His creations?” [color=MistyRose]’Yes indeed.”[/color] the ape said as he pressed his thumb against the tip of an incisor, breaking skin almost immediately. Divine ichor leaked from the wound, smelling of iron and alcohol. With said thumb Anu padded over to the pygmy statues, one after another brushing a golden stroke of divine ichor across their foreheads. [color=MistyRose]”Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone, I bid life into thee, by my blood. Breath!”[/color] he heaved. Like a wave the divine ichor seemed to radiate a power across their bodies, transmuting clay before their very eyes into sinew, tissue, and hair. Organs such as lungs, the liver and brain were synthesized and began to function, toes and fingers curled as the nervous system went online, and blood rushed throughout the body as the first beats of the heart engaged. The first of the pygmies began to blink, the vestiges of consciousness gracing them. “Remarkable,” went Zhu and leaned in to inspect one of the wide-eyed faces. Qiang Quan went from pygmy to pygmy and squeezed their shoulders and shook them a bit to test their balance. Fu Lai’an began teaching the first pygmies the Shengshese tongue, holding up objects and saying the words for them. Yong Cai stood pondering the shapes of the simians, whether some more clay could have been used in different departments or not. [color=MistyRose]”There are your new students.”[/color] he gestured towards the pygmies, his voice snapping them at attention. [color=MistyRose]”Teach them well, just as you taught me.”[/color] “Naturally, Your Majesty. In time, they shall have all the necessary knowledge to construct His Majesty’s holy capital,” Zhu Rongyuan proclaimed with a bow. Anu nodded, his eyes still on the pygmies. [color=MistyRose]”Good, soon this world will know order.”[/color] [hider=Dawn of the Planet of The Apes] To the west Anu and his party journey's just as his father’s suggests. After indeterminable amount of time Zhu questions Anu’s goals. The ape explains that he wants to see the world but not as a lowly adventure. Servants explain that a king without a kingdom is nothing at all. Therefore Anu questions them on the people and creations of Galbar, so that he may find his place among them. Servants teach an outdated curriculum and tell me no mortal life exist yet. Anu is disgusted, forming ideals based on this information, that the gods are slow and choose to leave Galbar wild and untamed. He decides to tame it himself with a people worth claiming it. The Servants then take him north towards the Xishan Plains, where they recommend sights for his kingdom to be built, Anu chooses far north, about a kilometer from the Beihe. [hider=X circled in black] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ep964Tm.jpg[/img] [/hider] Yong tests the soil near the river and deems it unsuitable for building on, suggesting the move farther inland. Anu gets an idea messing with the clay and begin his first ever sculpture in honor MichelAngelo. Art Hoe blood is in his veins and he his able to craft a man-simian standing at 5’5. He commissions the rest of the servants to create nine similar sculptures adding their own flair to it. Upon finishing he gives them life with his blood and he calls this new race of sapient-life Pygmies, children of Anu and the Xishan Plains. [/hider] [hider=Banana Points] [code]-Might Expenditure-[/code] [b]Previous Balance[/b]: >[u]4 Might Points | 4 Free Points[/u] [b]Expenditures[/b]: >Pygmy (Chimpanzee-Men): 4 Might Points [indent]sentient species[/indent] [b]Current Balance[/b]: >0 Might Points | 4 Free Points [/hider]