[center] [hider=Hakuro!] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3b22eb32-91ad-49c1-af87-b4863acaa338.png[/img] [h1][b][color=39b54a]Hakuro Kuroda[/color][/b][/h1] (AKA Hatto Ken Ko-to, or the Hatto-san) [h3][b][color=39b54a]Gender[/color][/b][/h3] Male [h3][b][color=39b54a]Age[/color][/b][/h3] 18 Years Old June 8th [h3][b][color=39b54a]Sexuality[/color][/b][/h3] Heterosexual [h3][b][color=39b54a]Nationality[/color][/b][/h3] Okinawan/Japan (Fun Fact: Many of Okinawa do not consider themselves Japanese.) [hr] [h3][b][color=39b54a]Appearance[/color][/b][/h3] The strange [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3ac2ef15-8505-4fb8-aa3b-709b5175b2bd.jpg]hatted youth[/url] is a young man of Asian descent, specifically from one of the southern islands belonging to Japan that make up Okinawa. He is a fairly-swift fellow, athletically built for running, jumping, and climbing instead of strength or heavy stamina. Hakuro is an odd sort of a person who, for his own country, actually seems pretty normal. He's a black-haired young man, nothing more stand-out-ish about him physically EXCEPT for two very important points. First, he has gray eyes. He's not blind or color-blind. He was just born with a strange lack or low level of eye pigmentation, thus gray in color. To some, it's a little off-putting, but only if you're looking at 'im. The way he is around people, you might not even notice. The [i]other[/i] thing about him is how he dresses. No, not the everyday casuals. His normal clothing could be a normal pair of pants and shirt (Black, blue, white, red, green, gray, and a host of other regular colors and nothing gaudy like pink, orange, or yellow) or somethng with highlights in it (like black or some other dark color with a lighter color highlighting it), but never any outright weird pattern, only sometimes an article with a logo, and nothing too outlandish. No, what you have to understand is that Hakuro often-adopts the use of a fedora and trenchcoat similar to that of the classic Japanese investigator. These articles are his own style, and perhaps his own [i]life[/i]style. More on that later. His Evergreen uniform... He wouldn't really be up for altering it. He'd be more inclined to wear the hat and coat OVER it, because it's as much who he is as the way he acts. The extra attire sort of [i]became[/i] part of him. Some people even have [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d9528d4c-c9f3-424a-bb57-dcb6dc67c490.png]strange theories[/url], but no proof exists! [hider=Metaverse Outfit] Hakuro's attire as a Phantom Thief is akin to the style of Lamont Cranston, AKA [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e47564dc-8a85-4cfe-9b7c-3d225f075b8a.jpg]The Shadow![/url] It's a stark contrast to his lighter hat and coat in the real world without casting aside who he is. Besides, in his heart of hearts, is he not to be following in the footsteps of the classic Mystery Man? He investigates, he sneaks around, he's fleet of foot, and he's just a bit lucky. [/hider] [h3][b][color=39b54a]Height[/color][/b][/h3] 5'9" [h3][b][color=39b54a]Personality[/color][/b][/h3] Hakuro is...not a normal guy. He is a young man whom many would consider lucky: He was basically set for life, and yet he wanted more. How and why will be explained later, but he is - at heart - a seeker, a sneaker, and a traveler. Too many years of being in one place left him wanting to get out, so he asked for both the permission and the support to start seeing the world, to get out there and just absorb everything he could. THAT was the kind of guy Hakuro was. He was looking to break out of boredom and have an adventure. To that end, Hakuro is inquisitive and investigative, joking and witty, and very active in his life. When he was young, he took upon the role of the Hatto Ken Ko-to, or Hat-And-Coat, to allow an overactive imagination to soar to great heights and run wild on his island. He's adopted this, made it part of who he is. The role of the Hatto-san is to be someone looking to understand and see the world, to explore it and influence the people found all over in a positive way. You could call it a hobby or a game or just weird. He doesn't care. Hakuro believes in the ideal that everything you do can be decided on a coinflip, especially if you have a hard time deciding what to do. He embraces this. So, unless it's vitally important, out comes the coin, for better or for worse. Why? Because it's fun and you never know what's going to happen. This kind of thing makes him unreadable, unpredictable, and perhaps unstoppable in his own funny little way. This makes him an offbeat sort of person, but he prefers to be that way. It was his choice, one made freely to escape a drab alternative. Hakuro is generally outgoing and engaging with other people, not afraid to ask questions, be they hard or even embarrassing. He treats others with respect, if they're deserving of such, and will act against those who are NOT worthy of that from him. It makes him someone who acts very extreme, in a way, one supposes. He generally wants the best for people, though, so he can be a helper, at times. When in the Metaverse, or indeed during ANY serious moment, the jokes come off. Maybe not the gloves or the hat or the coat, but certainly he adopts a more focused temperment, all in order to accomplish whatever was important to the situation at hand. He's a very driven sort of person, this way, and might let out more of the cynic or the deadpan snarker, rather than the lively funny guy. It's just a matter of knowing when to laugh and when to hush up and get down to work. And no, just because he can do a pretty evil laugh doesn't mean that he's unhinged and turning into a maniac or villain. It's just really good acting. One thing of importance: Because Hakuro is the kind of person to influence alot of people, he tends to make a fair few contacts. Because of this, he tends to prefer being able to organize them, since they're at his fingertips. It's not so much a call to leadership, so much as 'I have this, so I may as well use it'. Once again, this is basically trying to be useful in a situation that needs all the help it can get. [hr] [h3][b][color=39b54a]Persona[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/dec0ac26-fb37-4dd3-80c6-9642cf528a76.png[/img] [b][color=ed1c24]- FORTUNE -[/color] [color=ed1c24]Flying Spaghetti Monster[/color][/b] You might be asking yourself 'Why the Flying Spaghetti Monster?'. Ah, who are we kidding? You wanna know. This strange creature was brought into existence by a world which felt it needed a severe refuge in something very out there and silly when faced with something silly that seemed to be taken too seriously. To wit, the FSM and all Pastafarians alike are the antithesis to Scientology. They play this funny little game straight-faced and taking none of it seriously while the opposition means business, but that they are all ridiculous. Hakuro is not a Pastafarian, but he and the FSM share a very important commonality: They are anachronistic beings, and they KNOW it. Hell, they OWN that shit! These two have their own following. Not a serious following, but a following nonetheless, and that holds power. (The FSM may or may not do battle with the Big Bang Burger Empire on a regular basis, as well.) [h3][b][color=39b54a]Skill[/color][/b][/h3] Light/Bless/Expel (Essentially all part of the same skill area.) [h3][b][color=39b54a]Equipment[/color][/b][/h3] [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/62ef4427-677a-4b56-9556-e31c3710b823.jpg]Shuang Gou (Tiger Hook Swords)[/url] [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5b07b35c-48c2-4a56-abc7-7c7e20a28f05.jpg]The Shadow's Silver Heat Magnums[/url] [hr] [h3][b][color=39b54a]Education[/color][/b][/h3] A-Level English Language A-Level Philosophy BTEC Physical Education (or PE) [h3][b][color=39b54a]Biography[/color][/b][/h3] Hakuro was born on an island of the region/prefecture of Okinawa, lived there, and - if he hadn't done anything about it - would die there without ever having seen or experienced another part of the world with his own eyes. You see, he had been born into a successful sort of life, one that he needed only wait patiently to grow into, and then his life would effectively play out with rarely a hardship. Why? Because his family owned a very nice little resort with everything you could want on an island vacation to get away from it all. His life would be one of peace, contentment, and plenty. However...a young boy sometimes craves more. Actually, it happens [i]alot[/i] of the times. Because he could not LEAVE and he was destined to live out his days there, it seemed, this led not only to some foreboding feelings, growing up, but also a great deal of BOREDOM. Imagine having to try and amuse yourself when you couldn't rely on much to divert you. This is where the Hatto-san comes in. You see, Hakuro was just a nice young boy, nothing special, but when you badly need to step out of everyday life, you'll resort to alot of things. He ended up adopting a new monniker, the Hatto Ken Ko-to (Hat-And-Coat), a stranger who will go anywhere and do all kinds of different activities and projects to divert from the norm. Need some challenges? Want to explore a place that should contain nothing, but that...what if it contained killer crabs? Want to live completely at the random flip of a coin? That's your man. And that's how the fedora-and-trenchcoat-wearing person came to be. It wasn't an alternate personality. It was an [i]enhancement[/i], a desire to be and live the life of a more interesting person. Because when things got dull and drab...it led to events strangely dark and ominous in conception. Such a feeling, one day, led him to the very definite idea that he needed to get out. That moment had struck him so profoundly, and yet...he didn't even know [i]how much so[/i]. One day, Hakuro was walking along the beach...when a thought hit him, one that would begin to haunt him every time he came back to the water: 'The ocean may one day swallow me and this entire island up, leaving nothing behind'. When he got this feeling, things were...[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA4c62LOL5E]wrong.[/url] The water seemed as though it wasn't [i]teeming[/i] with life, but would really reach out, as though alive itself. The color ran out of the world, and there was an ever-present feeling of being watched, stalked, and even [i]hungered[/i] for. That was when he knew he had to leave, to escape... So, when he was considered old enough to be able to look after himself away from home, age fifteen, his parents decided to indulge him and allowed him legal and monetary resources to travel and see the world...and boy did he! All across Japan, for starters. He met quite a few people, here and there, though none perhaps influenced him as much as the family, Fuyunaito. What an assortment of people! An accountant who loved to dance, a spiritualist who voiced anime, and a pair of siblings (brother and sister) who were skilled in martial arts from a young age! The meeting was actually strange. Hakuro first met a Shiro Kunekawa, a friend of their family, who had been taking Anri Fuyunaito out to a park...because she was traumatized to regressive silence after Shiro's father had actually set fire to the Fuyunaito household and...Anri pushed him into the flames as punishment. Shiro was effectively adopted INTO the family and spent his life working to be a private investigator to stop things like this from ever happening again. The girl was completely withdrawn into herself, locked in trauma. Not her parents nor her big brother, Max, could snap her out of it, or Shiro... It was later suspected that part of it was due to being unable to face her family or Shiro again, so a strict moral code effectively broke her. Hakuro took up the challenge to try and break her out. He deliberately started behaving very oddly, leaping around and impersonating DBZ characters. No...DBZ [i]Abridged[/i] characters, and telling jokes, and laughing off when he fell and got hurt. It took DAYS...but eventually...Anri laughed, and then she cried, and then she spent the next few moments apologizing for her actions, because Rikdo Kunekawa had claimed that he'd burned her whole family to death and that she had nothing left. Hakuro made friends for life, that day, and was invited to stay with the Fuyunaitos a while, learning a little about the skills each one - and Shiro - honed in their lives. Max was trying to open a dojo. Anri was...actually more skilled than HE was, and wanted to join the police! Saiga had taught them BOTH! Hito wasn't a fighter, but...he had a gun license, which was difficult to get in Japan. He left them, more fulfilled there than even in the times leading up to that moment. This was where he started recording his adventures and putting them online...and eventually gained a modest internet following. The Hatto-san would touch the hearts and minds of the world, one day at a time! He did this for a while, and then he took his travels internation, making his way East...to the West! That is...to the US! Now, it should be noted that in all of these travels, Hakuro's travels were properly financed because he was taking all the responsibilities that followed in its wake. He had to feed, clothe, and continue to educate himself, for instance. He was to take care of these things, or he would be in alot of trouble. The first two were easy, of course. You see something, you buy something. School, though... Aye, that's the kicker. He had to work out a combination of transferring and corrospondance in a way that those involved would find somehow acceptable. For instance, in Japan, he moved around alot, but he was able to return to where he was taking classes. A bit harder in some places, though, and so sometimes it was 'Take it where you can get it'. That was how he ended up in Los Angeles and met [i]Sherry[/i]. Now, there's a reason for why this person also stood out, and more-so than potentially dozens to hundreds of people: Sherry Ultia was something of a kindred spirit. Some people stand out more than others, and for some of the most unexpected reasons. She was a shorter girl, not going to develop any great height, silver-haired, wild-eyed and wild in action, and she was a fricking ninja. Not literally, but by god, the way she could move... It was all due to a skill that Hakuro picked up VERY WELL on, mostly because she wouldn't let him leave this town without him learning: Parkour. It's an intense urban landscape acrobatics practice, the training of which tends to leave the recipient accuring many injuries. Hakuro spent a long time bruised, cut, and hurt for this...but eventually Sherry let him go, accepting him as a successful pupil. He uhh...wasn't sticking around for her crazy wire act. Gotta know your limits, right? Yeah. Still, this was an exceptional milestone, enhancing his physical abilities in a way the Fuyunaitos hadn't managed, though they certainly sharpened his mind and made him extremely moral about the needs of others. The Hatto-san started to symbolize a traveling idealist, or a mysterious helpful stranger. It also led him across the US, and eventually migrating all the way to the next viable stop: England! The heart of the United Kingdom... Here, at a completely different kind of culture, even from the melting pot of American civilization, Hakuro decided he needed some time. He'd spent a fair amount in the states. Now, he'd be taking some time to complete a good portion of his education here in London, at Evergreen Academy. The Hatkuro Conspiracy continues... [h3][b][color=39b54a]Affiliations[/color][/b][/h3] Toshiro Kuroda (Father) Ari Kuroda (Mother) Hito Fuyunaito (Friend/Accountant/Dancer) Saiga Munashii-Fuyunaito (Friend/Spiritualist) Max and Anri Fuyunaito (Friends/Martial-Artists) Shiro Kunekawa (Friend/Fellow-Investigator) Sherry Ultia (Friend/Parkour-Master) Hatto-Fans (Internet Followers) [h3][b][color=39b54a]Relationships[/color][/b][/h3] None at this time. [h3][b][color=39b54a]Character Themes[/color][/b][/h3] [b]- HATTO-SAN! -[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLseAI_g6ao[/youtube] [b]- BATTLE TIME! -[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oOTSWmyP2E[/youtube] [/hider] [/center]