Aria nodded along as Serena grasped the situation perfectly, and the driver let out a slow whistle. It would be a hellish task, but it’d pay off. “It’s Fort Sungard. It borders Balgruuf’s territory, but he sees this as an opportunity to rid Skyrim’s people of a serious threat. Try to get any other Jarl to focus on anything but the war... they’re all paranoid, and guarded. No one will spare any military force, and so... We’re your girls,” Aria explained, “I mean, ...and guy, if you’ll be covering us? There’s gold in it!” She added, smirking at the driver. The Nord looked back with a raised brow and shrugged, “Miss, this is suicide... I’ll have my bow handy,” he agreed, with a satisfied grunt. He drove the horses on. By dusk, they’d arrive. “I just hope they’re not the types to capture instead of kill, having my fingernails peeled off sounds nasty.” Aria shuddered. (You may time skip it if you wish, sir!)