It has been a bit, but I write in my spare time (pfft, spare time). So I can do [u]casual[/u] easy still. [u]Advanced[/u] may take a bit to work up to, but if you're in it for long enough I could pretty easily get there. I have a hunger for a very specific Story I have been rolling around in my head for about a year now. It's Sci-Fi; pretty high on that actually, /Thriller/Adventure/Horror. This is [b]NOT[/b] a happy fun sunshine Isekai like you read online, but it can have its moments at times... probably? I cuss some when the need for that added... punch, is there. It is a sandbox... if you don't like something specific, let me know and it's changeable (for the most part). What I have is a general plot, Spacey Scifi Plot goodness. [b]SETTING: [/b] [hider] Paradise Lost – Three Ships were dispatched from Sol to a establish the third new extra solar colony for the Human race. It was a grand undertaking, an enormous colony ship holding three Million people in 'Hibe'. A Guardian Escort Ship with five thousand Guardian Corp members and a full contingent of Robotic assets. Finally, a Supply ship with enough supplies for 10 years and setup of the colony on the paradise like new world, Eden. Sol's other two Extra Solar Colonies are on harsher environments. This world is more like Jurassic earth (the colony was supposed to be like Terra Nova sort of). Everything Went well… until it didn't. Something went wrong, something went VERY VERY wrong. The Colony Ship 'Eden Entry', not made for atmospheric re-entry, made Planet Fall… quite literally. Breaking apart as it fell explosions dotted the surface for thousands of miles as it's pieces rained down onto the world. The Guardian Corp. Ship crash landed on one of the planets three small moons and the Supply Ship met a more gruesome demise; it's star drive core exploded in orbit. ------------- That being said, [b]You[/b] aren't of this time, you… are an Isekai, thrust into this terrifying situation on an alien world where Alien monsters roam, food is scarce, and next to anything can happen. The THINGs that put you here are bored and want some special entertainment. So they are making bets on your survival in this game. [/hider] [b]THE ISEKAI:[/b] [hider] **Not necessarily yours, just a general intro into the setting and such** "Hello? Is this thing on? Hello, Hello?" knocking sounds reverberate into your ears such as someone knocking on glass. "Ohh, You have awakened!" What… is going on? You wonder as you 'look around'. The space you occupy currently is an open field in the middle of a full moons night. The trees which surround the field are awash in flames sending eerie shapes dancing across the long swaying grass as the smoke fills the skies above blotting out stars and part of the moon…s? "Don't worry, you can't speak. I always find it annoying, so I took away the ability for this part of things." WHAT!!!? Are you dreaming or something? The thing in front of you is a blob of swirling black and white light. Nothing that sounds should be coming from… or even exist for that matter. "The good news is, you're dead!" fanfare echoes across the clearing as wild cheers erupt. "It wasn't an accident or anything, I know that's how people seem to think these things go, but I'm not a 'God' or anything I just needed a soul and yours won the lottery!" Okay, you're both confused, irritated, and a bit scared at this point, but you could neither move, blink, or anything of the sort so you're forced to listen on in horror. "It was one of my best kills I think, blood everywhere. Mmm, immaculate…" the voice trails off as if reminiscing. "Right, You've been selected to participate in a game my friends and I have put together. The prize isn't something like 'you get to go home' or anything boring like that, you're dead after all. No, you my lucky winner; you get…" the voice trailed off as a drumroll echoed through the clearing now. "The survival of the entire human race!" fanfare played through the clearing again. "For a being like me, it's a simple thing to 'nudge' an asteroid into a collision course… or degrade your moons orbit and BOOM no more human race!" "I suppose you want an explanation, right? Well while I hate to give things away, people always seem to want one and it distracts them from the game so fine, whatever." It was dawning on you at this point that if this was a dream your mind was really fucked up. Did you do something you shouldn't have before going to sleep? "So, I'm what people on your world would call an 'extradimensional being' though at times we've been called Gods, Humans love to associate things they don’t understand with 'god'. Regardless, as far as you need to know I am super powerful and not weighed down by your dimensions weird rules and laws. How do you people even live with those?" "Right, sorry I got off track again. So I took your soul and one of my friends chose another person's from some random point in your timeline (probably terribly knowing them) and the two of you get to participate in this… game… you will have goals that we make up as you go and if you manage to do them all; or enough of them, then you win! Easy, right? I mean, for normal humans it wouldn't be with all the monsters, abominations, looters, crazies, and strange unearthly weather, but I am going to give you a bit of an edge. It would be boring otherwise." Okay, it was time to wake up now, for real that's the last time you do… whatever it was you did the night before. "Yeah, you're not dreaming. Why do you Humans always think when something isn't going the way you want it's a dream?" "Whatever, that's pretty much all you need to know, ohh unless you want to see how you died? I'm telling you it was a masterpiece! You know what, I don't care if you want to see it, I'm showing you anyways." He is nuts (by current human moral standards) and LOVES to fuck with humans, there probably is no 'friend' (up to you if he does it to you as well or it is another one of them) and chances are while he has given you a 'boon' there is ALWAYS a repercussion. My character is genderbent because 'he' loves the reactions. The story was originally a double swap for the MC's (M->F and F->M), but I don't really care what you do/become. Either way, it should be fun. [/hider] [b]Racetypes (it's the future after all)[/b] [hider] [b]Humans: [/b] Broken into a few categories, people love to hate things that are different, so a new type of racism is rampant. More species...ism? [b]Pures:[/b] Humans without Genetic or Robotic Enhancements like false arms or cybernetic implants. Everything is 'outside' of their bodies. They may not be able to do things as well as the Falsies or Cybers, but they are 'pure' humans. That's the most important thing to them. Children have been disowned for 'depuring' themselves. • Pures are slowly becoming fewer and fewer, they tend to be rich elites. Rich Snobs that look down on the 'lessers' "When you can just have parts of your body regrown and then implanted at their younger age, then why would you need Robotic parts?" [b]Falsies:[/b] Humans that were genetically… perfected, or perhaps altered in some way to get them to the way their parents want. They blend in more than the Cybers usually, but birth records are easy to find, since the govt. keeps an open and accessible database on all births; full and half citizens. Humans love to fuck with their genetic code, so if you want to be a Hermaphroditic cat person with vampire fangs and no pinky fingers… go for it. The 'gods' that put you here would love the fucked up ness of it. [b]GEAHR:[/b] Genetically Enhanced, Artificial, Humanoid, Robot. Advanced biodroid - Empty vessels grown in large tubes, with no soul, or consciousness. When at an appropriate age (usually as a tween) the 'body' is released from the tube, and then enhanced further with cybernetic controls, Shackled AI's, and small amounts of robotics. Robotic body enhancements increase as the 'age' increases. [hider] Created strictly for Military use when first developed. Now used by PMC's and to guard Governmental installations. Literal slaves, they have no real consciousness. The AI controls the Electrical impulses inside of the body. When a consciousness starts to evolve, or the AI begins to break free from its shackles, the GEAHR is killed… quickly. [/hider] [hider] Cannot have children, should be… impossible. They are fake humans. GEAHR Naming Convention: 1. First Part: • A: Assault • E: Engineering • D: Demolitions • M: Medical • IR: Investigations & Reconnaissance • H: Hunter (Dispatched to hunt sentient GEAHR’s, generally stronger, faster, and with better AI's and programming that gets cycled every.) • P: Pleasure (Sexbots…)(of ALL types younger, older, male, female, ... misc?) 2. • L: Leader • M: Member 3. • #: Which Squad, etc. you are in. 4. • S: Squad • X: Not applicable outside of Military/Guardian Corp. [/hider] Cybers: Humans with Cybernetic or robotic upgrades. IE robotic hearts, arms, other organs, upgraded Metal Skeletons, Web interfaces, False Eyes, the works. Aliens: I didn't have any, but if you have something you'd like to propose we can talk about it. [/hider] I can provide more world building details which are changeable if you want. The hidden are just so you can get a feel for what you're in for. I don't care if you're Male or Female IRL, or in story (Be Isekai'd Hitler or Jimbo your half cousins brothers neighbors twice removed neighbor for all I care). You can be whatever you want. The planet isn't supposed to have natives for the horror part, but hey... the 'gods' would LOVE to make things harder if you want. I have 'lisdexic' fingers (I am not dislexic... just my typing fingers). I spell check everything, but something is bound to slip through at some point. (like typipng Mlae instead of male, or Goign instead of going) I have a habit of capitalizing stupid things that shouldn't be... Sorry, I try not to, but it happens. The story would be here on site. I don't do the Disco(rd), email, squirrel mail, etc. (PM style is fine for the 18+ if you wanna do that, but otherwise everything should be in the 1x1 section because I like the three thread structure of it) PM for more in depth questions, please.