(Wow I thought I posted here earlier. Apologies for that and for me not sticking super well to the 3 day thing I had.) [color=dodgerblue]"Good, I was getting worried about you."[/color] Eve hugged you a little longer before she remembered something. [color=dodgerblue]"Oh shoot, uh, there are some bad guys in town that I think are looking for you and Westley."[/color] Stride's head raised from his table as he got up and walked over to you guys. [color=red]"Wait, him [i]and[/i] me? What'd they look like?"[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"I was flying overhead, so I could only get a few details, but they were a big orc, packrat goblin, and... uh... a really big skeleton, I think? He was cloaked, but I saw his bony hands."[/color] [color=red]"Grox, Bob, and that fucker, shit. Yashar didn't spare any efforts after I went rogue."[/color] Stride rummaged through his bag as he pulled out a small box emblazoned with a small marking of the moon and a grey cloak, giving both to you. [color=red]"If you're going into town, wear these. I'll try and distract the mercs looking for us in case you get into trouble."[/color]