There was no movement from the twilight knight until all the combatants that stepped from their portal attained proper footing. Simultaneously in his vision they all appeared. Standing in the light he raised up his weapon and seemed to briefly pray in some way to idolize the nature of combat. It was a brief flicker of light that enveloped him before vanishing into nothing. Nothing until his sword began to glow a feint white. Hilt and all. He stepped forward once to enter a one handed stance. Holding his blade which was more than half his height in its entire length yet the blade was a bit lower than half his length. A bit over a meter long. He chose to keep his head aimed toward Akiva Roe. He relied on his other senses to stay aware of the others who surrounded him. By looking at Akiva however he sensed how she felt. A bit of confusion or unease coupled with her defensive stance made him more curious of her than the others who brandished their weapons boldly. He would have to wait and see. [@Jollan][@Katthaj][@yoshua171][@Drifting Pollen]