And with that, I am caught up on the IC again. [@Ceta de Cloyes], really enjoying the dynamic between Mon-El and the rest of the Legion. Each of them feels really distinct and I love the commentary on Earth. [@IceHeart], I enjoyed the change of perspective in that latest Batgirl post. It was really nice getting the interior monologue especially since Batgirl was struggling with the villains getting away. [@Roman], that finale and epilogue were brilliant and definitely puts Daredevil in a very interesting spot going forward. Can't wait to see how he battles the Hand next Season. [@Dblade26] Brick is definitely one of the best antagonists of this season and the last post with Connor being tortured was almost heartbreaking. Really invested in reading his escape. [@Moskau Spieluhr], the banter between Nancy and Mari always is a strong point of your post and I can't wait to see how he continues to guide her towards becoming 'Vixen'. [@Hound55] I don't know why, but I feel very protective of your Hank Pym and if anything happens to him I'm going to kill everyone in this room and then myself. I really like his characterization and for some reason, I find him the easiest to empathize with. [@HenryJonesJr] I need more Rocket and Korg in my life. The War World stuff has been a real treat and definitely a highlight of your season. [@ComradeMaxx] & [@DocTachyon], I'm not used to Spider-Man being so stand-offish but it's making for a rather unique collaboration and I am definitely interested to watch how the relationship between the Wallcrawler and X-Men develop from here. Additionally, [@ComradeMaxx] Dr. Fate definitely has my attention and I will be watching his story rather closely. [@Retired], Kori is probably my favourite Titan right now, but I am rather concerned about Gar so if you could continue writing that perspective, that'd be great. [@Inkarnate], I'm really excited for Kara to actually fight something. We've gotten to know her and her world but I'm really waiting now to see her and Lex go toe to toe. [@Hillan], Thawne is a cocky prick, not going to lie I was definitely cheering for Rory and Snart. I really don't know at this point if Thawne is the hero of the story or the villain. [@Byrd Man], we've gotten a taste of the Shadow and it left me wanting more. Very interested to see where the story goes from here. [@webboysurf] Cap's story is one of my favourites, it has got all the makings of a good spy film. But I really like where Arsenal is going and I immediately ran to your sheet to figure out who this mystery woman was at the end of your last post. I still don't know but I am eager to find out. [@Star Lord] I'm enjoying seeing how conflicted and almost defeated Wonder Woman is right now. But I'm most interested in seeing how you're going to turn it around. [@The Bork Lazer], Static's story is giving me some major Spider-Man Homecoming vibes right now and I'm loving it. Interested to see how it all pans out between Static and the Electrocutioner. [@Natty], rather enjoyed the scene between Wong and Magik in the last post. The seeds of Shadowpact have been planted and I'm curious to watch it develop from here. [@Bounce], Old Man Grayson is definitely a hit with me, I love reading the world-weary character and I'm interested in seeing the upbeat and likely naive Toyboy playing off Dick as his foil. Additionally very interested to see how things end between Billy, Terrax and the Neutron Star. [@Simple Unicycle] I'm not entirely sure where Blade's story is going to go but I can't wait to get back to some acrobatic, pragmatic vampire ass kicking. Keep up the good work everyone and hopefully I didn't miss anyone.