Hahaha, we can start pretty easy and soon. As for the Tech, it's pretty open. You can have 'power armor' is you want. Laser weaponry is doable if you can find a plausible way of explaining it. if it's in a book/show/anime/Whatever and can be easily explained we should be able to put it in. It's kind of a mix I would say. What survivors from the colony ship you find will either want to kill you, steal your stuff (weapons, clothes, food, armor, etc), use you for safety, or worse! If/when you come across anyone they have LIKELY been awake longer than you by at least One to six months I'd say The 'Hibe' pods didn't all crack open properly and people are slowly coming out of them or being brought out nicely or otherwise. So small communities may have formed... their survival on the world is NOT guaranteed into the next day, let alone farther future. It's kind of Survival in that. Yes... The Purebreed humans are basically today's level (shit). They could take nicer meds and things and replace failing organs cure cancer and stuff to extend their lives up to a point. They're 'genetically and physically pure'. Technology will be their only saving grace, not too many of them would have come to a far flung place less than 1% of passengers. Though they probably total around 2-3% of the 'human' population everywhere at this point as it is. To clarify, they aren't 'necessarily' all snobbish, but when you're raised in a specific environment most tend to fall in line... or rebel from their parents flip them the bird and get super cyborg arms and stuff... you know, just like people do now.