[@ShadowVentus] [b]Occupied Paris, Ongoing World War Two[/b] The first thing Zane noticed was that they were in Paris. He had been to a fair few incarnations of the city of lights over the years, though none quite so... Nazi. Ah great, one of those damn past worlds. Great, as if being around Chrongel hadn't fucked up his internal calander enough. The second thing was the girl in his arms. Let's see, mild sleeping charm in the process of wearing off, mild hypothermia, albeit that is expected after being on the recieving end of le Bâtard et il neige magique, as well as the Inbetween. Hmm... mild exhaustion from overextending her magic too... might be best to find a place to hole up. Choosing one of the more abandoned buildings in the city, he laid the girl down on a sofa that hadn't been entirely destroyed, and began to meditate. The first thing he found was his connection to the Inbetween had snapped, probably due to him forcing a leap. It was clear it was repairing itself, but until it did he was stuck in Nazi France. Casting his mind out he was quickly overwhelmed by elemental forces. There was a powerful light to the west, and potent darkness in the north. But the worst was the east, it seemed like one of the Hades Gods had taken residence. In the heavens he noted the presence of a paradox, a fusion of Heavenly Saint and Infershia, yet it was muted somehow, like the core of his being was lost. And... fuck, a being of the Moon element. Well, it's not like he was going to meet him... where was that evil laughter coming from?