So with it all there we have a paradise world that is not so paradise. People here who crashed on the same ship as you here now to probably use you, abuse you, then kill you. Indigenous animals that are most likely able to kill a human without too much effort. Plants of unknown origin and could also just murder you. A random #2 you will not know but you are both now stuck here with. A god and his 'friend' who set you both here to watch in glee as you and #2 try and do challenges/goals they set. All while with the idea of dying for a second time looming and the destruction of humanity on the horizon. Also power armor, lazer guns, cyborgs, mechs, and a pink androgynist dragon monkey hybrid with body features that can only be described as why. Really everything else can be left for in game, or is there something I'm missing that has came to mind that I should know? Or something that I forgot about?