I've been playing with an odd roleplaying plot in my head. So, I decided to share with everyone here: What's an unusual plot that you've come up with and wanted to try out. For the sake of sharing I'll share one of mine: It involves various male characters from different canons locked up in what appears to be the love child of a love hotel, and a maximum security prison. These men, often taken as couples are brought here by a bunch of strange people calling themselves "Foojoeshee" with the express purpose of watching their [i]guests[/i] engaging in homoerotic activities for their voyeuristic enjoyment. What they didn't count on is these men are straight, and [u]don't want[/u] to engage in these activities, and have instead banded together to escape. However, the prison is guarded by heavily armed minions (yes, [url=https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg00.deviantart.net%2F6a9e%2Fi%2F2017%2F075%2F2%2Fe%2Fgru_minion_equipment_by_forceofnatureandcorn-db2hnq3.jpg&f=1]these minions[/url]), and our heroes have been stripped of their weapons/equipment and/or find their powers being suppressed. The whole thing is actually based on the episdoe "Read My Bullets" from the Machinama show [i]Sanity Not Included[/i], in which Lyle and Dex (and their girlfriends) bust out of a maximum security prison run by a guy obsessed with make people listen to his crappy novels. Obviously, it's meant to be played for laughs and an excuse to have some epic action scenes. So, what are some of yours?