Kadrin often chafed at the idea of working with others, which made her taking a job that involved a mercenary group an uncommon occurrence. That being said, problems that arose from working in a group were often caused by her. Communication and working as a team were not among her any assets that she possessed. It was the nature of the job that drew Kadrin to accept in the first place. The jobs that involved helping others tended to be the ones that she gravitated towards the most, even if her disposition indicated there was some irony. As the night began to wind down, Kadrin spent her time preparing for the task ahead of her. However, her preparation didn't deviate much from the way she typically spent her spare moments. She went through her mundane routine, beginning with sharpening her weaponry. After sufficiently preparing her axe and sword, she unpacked her rucksack and carefully returned everything so that she was able to make the most of the space. Kadrin made note of the items at hand so that she would know what she might need to restock on. Upon further thought, Kadrin realized that her supplies would be adequate to get her through the mission. Her rations were enough to get her through five days, but most of her items were questionable. Kadrin was caught between wondering if she could make her supplies stretch or if she should take precautions. Some of the items weren’t even a great benefit. She didn’t exactly have a lantern to use her lantern oil. So the fact that she had a minimal amount wasn’t indication that she should purchase more. A small bedroll was strapped at the bottom of her bag. Kadrin also had a quarter of a bar of soap, which was wrapped in a leaf and tied with twine. The rope she had was unraveled beyond repair, but Kadrin was loathe to get rid of it. Disposing of it felt wasteful. One could call it hoarding, but she preferred finding a creative use for the item so that she could get the most out of her money and items. Among the items in her pack included an empty canteen, flint and steel, a broken compass, a small knife with a dulled edge, and a piece of wood that she had been whittling away at. Kadrin figured she should probably use her whetstone to sharpen the knife, but she often failed to devote her time to doing so. There wasn’t as much care granted in maintaining much except for her weaponry. Her father would probably have lectured her for her negligence. After debating whether to replace anything or to stock up on supplies, Kadrin opted to make due with what she had for the time being. She would likely buy anything she needed when the job was finished, especially considering that her coin purse was looking quite apologetic with how empty it was. It had compelled her to take the job more so than her desire to help others. Greed wasn’t a typical motivator, but having a bit more coin was necessary if she didn’t want to start spending every night hunting and sleeping outside. There were other jobs she could take helping someone. She hoped the one she had just accepted would pay a little more handsomely. When morning came, she ran through some training exercises in part as an obsession with constantly honing her physical abilities. In part it was to help her limber up more quickly since her body typically felt stiff after waking up. Feeling adequately prepared, Kadrin set out for the meeting place that Varian had described. It wasn’t long before she reached the gate.