[color=ed1c24][u][b]Some Tech: [/b] [/u][/color] I mentioned 'skin suits' in the character ... think Wet suit, but more... high tech. So it regulates body temp, has other built in functions, etc. Underclothes(if one wants) > Skinsuit > Clothes/armor > Next Level Sh** I am totally open to a better name than 'skinsuit' which sounds quite morbid... but probably fits int he story hahaha... ha. Something like these I think? Male [hider] https://www.roka.com/collections/maverick-wetsuits/products/mens-maverick-comp-ii-wetsuit?variant=6804527513647 [/hider] Female [hider] https://www.roka.com/products/womens-maverick-x-wetsuit?variant=6802203901999&location_redirect=false&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI86uvkK3R4gIV3bbACh1HRw8yEAQYASABEgITS_D_BwE [/hider]