Fendros looked down and wrapped a hand around his mouth in thought. When he lowered his fingers from his lips, he did not sound convinced. "While that would be an easy solution, that risks clansfolk looking for revenge. This could spiral into something...difficult, if we're not careful." "They can just challenge Hal-Neesa, right?" Sabine cautiously said. "It's not that simple," Fendros responded. "They know they cannot defeat you, Hal-Neesa, and you are also an outsider to them. They'll either expect us to make an example of you or band together to try the same thing." He sighed and met Hal-Neesa's eyes, mulling over another possibility. "Look, Hal-Neesa, Ahna has told me about what you agreed upon. I trust she has demonstrated her skill and commitment. Would it be too much to ask to retrieve just this one missing body to put this situation to rest quickly? We can work out some story about a rogue Falmer necromancer or something."