[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SJS4Ur5.png?1[/img][/center] [sub][hr][/sub][COLOR=#81CFFF][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Atlantic Ocean, near Metropolis [/I] - [I]Present[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Issue #1.02:[/b] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Don't Flinch[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub] [color=silver] [indent][indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JcWrz9b.png[/img][/center] Kara pushed harder, faster, as she dove further underneath the cold ocean tides. Of all things to happen under her watch, she couldn’t have anticipated that an off-shore naval facility would’ve been targeted by a group of armed terrorists. When an explosion was triggered on the naval facility, Kara had been halfway across Metropolis, rescuing people from the effects of a violent industrial fire that had spread from a derelict factory in the Suicide Slums. Before she even had time to breathe, the urgency of the situation off the coastline became apparent to her and she was off soaring over Delaware to reach it in time. There was no time to catch her breath as the facility’s crewmen plummeted into the ocean, or worse, caught by the debris as the tides pushed them deeper and deeper. Fortunately, according to twitter, Kara was faster than a “speeding bullet” and arrived before anybody could drown. [i][COLOR=#81CFFF]Don’t worry guys, you’ll be out of this in no time.[/COLOR][/i] Kara dove underneath a large metal railing, one of the many pieces of debris that had been blown free from the explosion that rocked the facility only minutes prior. The first two members of the crew that had been knocked underneath the debris now in clear view. The kryptonian superheroine kicked her feet, a large burst of speed pushing her forward in a blink; before she could even realize it the men were over her shoulder and she was hovering above the coastline. Like a crack of thunder, Kara dove into the water below several times until all of the men and women who had been flung in the waters below were safely on the shores to her left. She had spent the last few months getting used to her powers, but the reality of how much speed and strength she had still surprised her on a daily basis. After years of being precise and secretive in Midvale she was finally allowed to see what she was capable of. The blonde’s eyes shifted to the facility, letting out a short, hushed breath. A loud ‘crack’ filled the sky as Kara zipped from the shoreline to her destination, the sound of gunfire clattering in the corridors below. It was time for her favorite part. Punching bad guys. Her blue eyes shifted in a second, becoming dulled as she focused her vision to filter out the “noise” in front of her. A few months ago she had discovered in addition to her vast sensory abilities that her meta-biology also allowed great visual perception. It required focus and effort, but seeing through walls was a handy ability to have if she was going to take on criminals directly. Gods, it was like she was an interstellar Wonder Woman. As her x-ray vision took effect, Kara pressed her tongue against her upper-left canine, counting the amount of armed gunmen and other external threats. The private security firm Simon Stagg had hired to protect his property seemed to be definitely outnumbered and outgunned; and that was after the explosion had sent several people flying into the Delaware Bay. [i][COLOR=#81CFFF]Eight specialists and some kind of meta. Gonna have to put a stop to it before more people are hurt.[/COLOR][/i] The best plan was to pick off the exterior guards first, make her way in to the big bad. Control her strength so she didn’t go overboard. Terrorists didn’t deserve her hesitation, but she was trying to be the good guy in this situation; the hero like Liberty Belle, like Wonder Woman. She wasn’t some kind of antihero. She wasn’t like the folks in New York. With arms crossed she let out a smirk of bravado, covering up her anxiety with a false sense of arrogance. [b][COLOR=#81CFFF]“Attention bad guys! If you surrender now, I promise not to hurt you!”[/COLOR][/b] The response was the expected, but Kara had learned by this point that she was bulletproof. She sighed, rolling her eyes. [b][COLOR=#81CFFF]“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”[/COLOR][/b][/indent][/indent][/color]