Harriet looked over the menu as well, she listened to what Ben mentioned about work, before she nodded. She furrowed her brow at his question. "It's... A Habit." Harriet started, "It's an umbrella term that Humans use for our kind." She continued, thinking quickly, "Despite knowing what [i]species[/i] we fall under; but humans don't fully understand us." "What was the word that you used back on Texveria?" Duncan asked as he looked to his menu. Harriet paused, thinking back to everything her father has told her. "They call them.." She started before she said something in what could only be thought of as the Nuric language. Stephs puzzled look told her she hadn't said anything understandable. Steph looked to the menu and blinked at one of the drinks. "The Succubus's kiss..?" She whispered more to herself, usually places had descriptions of the drinks, but this one had nothing.[hr]Gaia blinked as he listed the options off. Her tail swayed mainly in confusion before she looked to the ground before she looked up. "...Cheeeese?" She asked, she remembered she quite liked cheese from the times that Harriet had given her human food. "Definitely cheese."