[center][h2]Tokuda[/h2][/center] There was a moment of pure terror when Tokuda saw the great ball of fire and rock coming towards him, causing his body to tense up to where he could no longer move a singular muscle. He closed his eyes and looked away from his impending destruction only to feel the bulk of the meteor strike against his shield and for a moment he believed that he was dead. This was not the case, even though he felt the hulking bit of rock and fire slam into him, he did not move a singular inch. A feeling of astonishment came over him as the fire spread around him and he was generally left unfazed by the attack. Tokuda looked back at the girls, seeing them figure out that nothing could truly affect the clones, though that was hardly something he was focusing on. He looked forward, staring down the slow walking one and formulating a plan to get closer to the real one in order to properly attack. With one step he launched himself forward, his legs going against his desire to run away as he charged towards the mysterious figure, holding his shield towards him. He had heard them say how they needed to focus on the real one, Tokuda figured that purely focusing on the real one would do some good for them. The shield, he figured, was going to be good enough for protection, but he hoped that the others would try to follow him forwards to end this fight quickly enough so that none of them would die to an overwhelming amount of ghostly clones. Tokuda knew there was little he would do in terms of damage to this figure, but if he could distract the mysterious one enough, then perhaps that would be enough to stop any more meteors from being hurled at them.