[h3][center]The (Overdue) Pumpkin King![/center][/h3] Jack sat in the shadows atop the tavern's roof, listening to the merry music down below underneath him with a little glee. Before he knew it, he found himself humming along to the tune softly while awaiting the news from the others. He would've departed with a merry farewell as they went in, but he figured that if anyone saw him that'd be a quick ticket to getting arrested, which is certainly something that Jack didn't need to happen, as he'd probably give some people a heart attack before he went in. So, he waited, looking up at the moon to gaze upon the luster he saw. Despite him not being in Halloween Town, he swore it was almost like he never left the place. The moon was the same wherever you saw it, whether it was here or in Halloween Town, so seeing something strikingly familiar to him was a nice change of pace, even if it wouldn't be for long. He hoped he could find Sally soon so they didn't have to worry much longer about her.