[hider=Starfire!]Basic Information ========= Superhero/villain Name: Starfire Civilian Name: Kory Anders Origin city/Planet: Tamaran Hometown: Gotham City Sex: Female Race: Tamaran Height: 5'11 Weight: 144 lbs Age: 190 (19 in Tamaran) Birth Date: May 22nd, 1831 -------- Costumed Appearance: [hider=Starfire] [img]https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-media/p/post/18694995/3cee230902664e6ca43dd5578af771ef/1.jpg?token-time=1564963200&token-hash=IdpJl6oKy1ecpw3JotX7zVjQKKoOdpL835rTtv8Inn4%3D[/img] [/hider] Civilian Appearance: Starfire would wear street clothes if she was confident there would be no trouble, but given her striking and unique appearance she is never really anyone else other than Starfire. Icon: [hider=Starfire's Emerald] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/fd52d3a7-16d5-4ae5-a900-2ddb238ff7fb/dblbj37-2af53841-a502-4281-845d-29c7aa9f77e7.png/v1/fill/w_894,h_894,strp/injustice_2_starfire_symbol_by_deathcantrell_dblbj37-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTYwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2ZkNTJkM2E3LTE2ZDUtNGFlNS1hOTAwLTJkZGIyMzhmZjdmYlwvZGJsYmozNy0yYWY1Mzg0MS1hNTAyLTQyODEtODQ1ZC0yOWM3YWE5Zjc3ZTcucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTE2MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.CCRWVnUNm6Sz1_NLFZiW2AMovHWZcAkgahOPOrZBP3o[/img] [/hider] Costumed Personality: Starfire, despite her advanced age in human years, is quite naive. She has an interesting sense of humor that is mostly based on slapstick and punchline based jokes, but she is usually cheery and amiable. However, she takes combat very seriously, and will not mess around and become lazer focused on defeating the enemy, driven mostly by emotions of determination and passion to defeat her foes. This makes her reliable and trust worthy, but also makes her prone to reckless and dangerous actions. She has courage in spades, and does not fear death, but she is afraid of losing those she cares about, and the innocent masses at large. Civilian Personality: Starfire is very rarely "off". Infact, her made up name, Kory Anders (a human version of Koriand'r, her real name) is very rarely used. She has adopted the Starfire persona entirely, and enjoys fighting the good fight. Starfire is trusting, gullible, and optimistic. Super abilities: -Skills: Tamaran Martial Arts -Powers: Solar Manipulation: Starfire is powered by the sun. Her species uses photosynthesis, in a way, to survive, though obviously Starfire is not a plant. Using this power, she can jump great distances, and a variety of other powers. Starbolt: Her most common form of offense is the star bolt. She summons a sphere of energy about the size of a volleyboll around her hand. One formed, it solidifies, like a frozen waterballoon. This is called "Hard-Light." Upon release, they fly in an arc and shatter on the target, exploding into a concussive green flame. The longer the Starbolt is charged, the more powerful it is, and a half minute of charging can release in something like a C4 detpack, capable of destroying small buildings. She can also fire them very quickly, like machinegun fire with the force of a very large and very round bullet, though not nearly as fast. Most of the time, she picks a healthy middle, like a grenade. Starpoint: She can concentrate much less volatile orbs of energy as well, and these are more utility than offense. They can float in the air, embed themselves in surfaces, or roll along the ground. Starfire can hook or latch any part of her body onto them and use them as platforms and grip points. A sheer surface be suddenly becoming like a climbing wall, with Starfire launching herself from Point to Point. They can float in the air for a short amount of time and be used like rungs on a horizontal ladder. Sometimes, she latches them onto her feet and uses them like floating rollerblades to increase her speed, take ramps, and look badass. Starjump: Starfire's most iconic ability is the Starjump. A brief moment of focus can create a 2d circle beneath her feet or hands, popping her off it as if it were solid ground. She can use this to jump from place to place using nothing but the air. The longer she is in the air, the more powerful the Starjump is. Using Starpoints and Starjumps can increase her mobility exponentially. The Starjump is used to gracefully reposition and shifter Starfires momentum in the air. The sound a Starjump makes is as if someone hit a large pingpong ball extremely hard into an echoing abyss, with bassy crack and pop echoing through the air as Starfire jumps. Her people on her homeworld would use Starjumps as their way of space travel, gaining more and more momentum and speed, circling the entire planet and then focusing all their energy into a massive Starjump to burst from the planet's gravitational pull at half the speed of light. Once in space, they would be unconstrained, and get up to light speed. This process takes about a week of uninterrupted movement. Starshield: Starfire can create a shield of Hard-Light around her body or to be held infront of her. It is resistant to small arms fire but breaks under too much extreme duress. If she continually focuses on it, it can protect her from a considerable amount of damage, but this requires a brief amount of charging and removes her mobility and offensive abilities completely. Being of the Stars: Starfire does not need to eat, sleep, or go the bathroom. All she needs is access to direct sunlight or the light generated by a fellow Tamaran, at least once a week. If she does not get this sustenance, she will begin to die and experience symptoms much like severe dehydration. The longer she goes without contact with an appropriate light source, the weaker she becomes. She is completely immune to heat damage of any kind. She also regenerates faster. In order to heal, she must sleep. Depending on the severity of the wound sometimes she doesn't have a choice in the matter. If knocked unconscious by a grevious wound she will be out of it for about a week. If she is knocked out in a place with no light source, she'll not wake up at all until she dies of the wound or is brought back into the light. While her skin absorbs the light that allows her to live, she also needs to breathe it in. Not breathing in oxygen, but the light itself. So she can breathe in space, as long as there is a light source where the light can reach her. Natural Durability: Starfire's skin and bones are naturally tough. She is naturally bulletproof, with bullets bouncing off her skin like well aimed punches. A shot to the head for example, will knock her out immediately. Sharp places can cut a little into her, and concussive stuns can hurt her. Usually, other enhanced individuals can create the force necessary to do real damage to her form, and a well trained and well coordinated contigent of normal people with better than average firearms have the potential to bring her down as well. Language Learning through Lip Contact: One of Starfire's most bizarre ability is being able to learn languages through kissing, or making contact with whatever hole the language noise comes out of. It is not an inherent ability of her people, but rather an unorthodox application of it. It was developed long ago by her ancestors, when the Tamaran people were inter solar system peacemakers. It's been passed down since then. Unfortunately it does not allow her to read the language, only speak semi-crude mimicry of it. -Gadgets: The Star Gem is what she wears on her breastplate. It allows her to more easily focus her power. Without it, she can still fight, but she will grow tired and potentially become overwhelmed by her own power. It also stores solar energy, allowing her to use it like a battery if she does have access to the sun. A true Tamaran warrior goes without a Star Gem. It is comparable to training wheels, as Starfire was not able to finish the long process of training and mastering her powers. -Weapons: None. Starfire only uses her innate powers to fight. Civilian Occupation: None. She is unemployed and spends most her time super-heroing around. Biography--------- Character History/Origin: Starfire was next in line to be Empress of the Ko empire, the largest empire in her home world. It is a place of pride, strength, and abundant resources with a strict social code. It is a jewel of the galaxy, and one that draws great envy. As such, the planet of Tamaran is in a state of near continuos warfare with other alien races who seek to take it's riches. Starfire, named Koriand'r at the time, was being trained to continue the fight. She, and her youger sister, Kormand'r, was the opposite of Starfire in many ways. She was cold, calculating, intelligent, devious and ambitious. Kormand'r noticed the frontlines beginning to fail. She noticed the slow abandonment of their warrior race roots, and the growing contentment and apathy of her people. She saw that Starfire was obvlious to this. She sought out to fix this, and save her people. In many ways, Komand'r was heroic. Perhaps, in another life, things could have gone so much better. Being the younger sister, Koriand'r was pampered. Koriand'r was kind and sociable, she was not. Koriand'r was the more talented fighter, while Komand'r used her wits and devious tricks to gain victory, which was viewed as dishonorable. Koriand'r was well on her way to becoming a Starfire, an elite unit of fighters. Komand'r was the underdog, and sought to upheave the status quo. Komand'r sought out fundamentalists and extremists, those who would join her cause. Koriand'r was off training and participating in skirmishes, working her way up into becoming the Empress. She paid little mind to her little sister. Naive as she was, she had no idea of what was coming. Those around her grew suspicious, and tensions between the Ko Empire and Komand'r's growing discontent skyrocketed. Eventually, the enemies of Tamaran made a large push. Komand'r took this opportunity to stage her coup. She killed her own father, though the circumstances around this murder are murky at best. Her rebellion overpowered the loyalists. Koriand'r, blindsided and enraged, could not comprehend why her sister would do such a thing, which simply served to anger her sister even further. They fought, and through means Koriand'r did not expect, Komand'r proved victorious. She enslaved her sister. Komand'r began reshaping the world in her new image. The council was undone, and Komand'r reigned supreme as an absolute monarch. A decade later, Koriand'r escaped. Besting the guards, she got the upperhand on Komand'r when she least expected, and Starjumped away. A few years later, in exile, she found her way to Earth. Particularly depleted after a long flight, she crash landed into the American midwest. Surprised by the hostility of the place, (who according to records was a safe planet), she managed to escape east into New York. Optional information: Here, she will stay. Learning the plight of the people of Earth, she will try to make it a better place, and improve her ownself. One day, she intends to return to Tamaran and avenge her father and retake the planet. In the meantime, she will grow in strength and wisdom until she has what it takes to defeat her sister. ---------- Nemesis: Komand'r seeks her sister to this day, it being a matter of personal vengeance and vendetta, to prove she was right. Adopting the name Blackfire, her search is limited in resources due to the war, and her ongoing conquest. Allies: Clio! Team: None yet. Other: I'll ask around and see who will be willing to be one of Starfire's first friends on planet Earth.[/hider] [hider=Tamaran Biology. Learn about Starfire's biology, natural strengths and vulnerabilities. Optional of course, lol] On the surface, Tamaran people look like humans. Their skin is tinted orange, and their hair is usually a bright and vibrant color. It is possible that the Primordial who designed the humans, designed the Tamarans as well all those billions of years ago. They do not have an intestinal tract or any other systems associated to eating and drinking, as they do not need to eat or drink, but all of their other systems are quite similar to humans, serving similar purposes. The skin of the Tamaran people absorbs light from the sun and each other, but there are a few key places that are the most important in this process. The throat is one of them, and the most imporant one. In a bizarre, magical way, the Tamarans actually breathe in the energy they need. It is the fastest and most important way for the energy to get into the bloodstream and to the Emerald of the Stars. The heart and navel are the other most important areas. The heart might be more obvious than the navel, but both of them are important. The skin above it absorbs light directly into the heart allowing the energy to more quickly spread. The navel serves a different purpose, as it is right above the Emerald of the Stars. Instead of a stomach or intestines, all Tamarans have a large, organic gem within them. It is the most important source of their life power. It assists the lungs in turning the energy a Tamaran absorbs into energy. It is also what allows them to channel their energy outside of their body for the powers and abilities the Tamarans possess. Most Tamarans have one or both of these areas exposed to the light, as well as their normal breathing. Having both the navel and area above the heart exposed to the sun is mostly superfluous, and restricts fashion choices. Starfire uses her exposed midriff and belly button to absorb the energy, while Blackfire has a small window in her armored suit right above her heart. This is also why her helmet covers her eyes but not her mouth, as any sort of covering above the mouth restricts the breathing of a Tamaran person as the light and energy is muted. These areas are the most vulnerable part of a Tamaran. They can absorb blows easily with their arms, legs, shoulders, and side, but damage to these areas are damaging. Strangulation, shots to the neck, blows to the heart, or strikes to the navel disturb these balances and can stun or knock a Tamaran out temporarily. Their head is actually more resistant to damage than the bellybutton is, as a shot to the navel can cause the Emerald of the Stars within a Tamaran to flicker, which is more devastating than causing the brain to take damage, for the Emerald can fix the brain but the brain cannot fix the Emerald. Tamaran people rarely sleep, and only do so when recovering from injuries. Without needing to expel energy on conscious actions, their bodies can repair themselves. Otherwise, no healing occurs at all. If the body recieves too much damage, much like a humans they will fall into unconsciousness to heal. Or if a wound is not particularly lethal, but instead just a shock to the neural system, they will pass out aswell. These lapses in consciousness are usually fixed within moments, similar to a human passing out. Within a week, even grevious wounds will be healed. A Tamaran needs to have access to a light source while they are sleeping in order to heal. Without it, they will remain in the coma indefinitely, or until they die. This is why it is extremely dangerous for Tamarans to fight without a nearby light source. A wound that would normally knock them out for a few seconds would instead send them into a coma. This is why all Tamarans carry around Stargems, as the backup energy stored in the Stargem can be used for minor healing. Not only that, but Tamarans can feed off of each other's energy. So a sun, a Stargem, or another Tamaran can be used to instigate this healing process. A Tamaran's body is extremely durable, but needs this energy to live. Starfire, as a lone Tamaran, is more vulnerable than she's ever been. Without direct access to the sun, all she has is her Stargem. If she were to be knocked unconscious at night time, or in a building with no windows, she would be reliant on her Stargem, which can be broken. It is the only Stargem she has, aswell. [/hider] edit 1: Tamaran biology edit 2: nerf, UV lights are confirmed to NOT count as the energy Starfire requires to sustain herself.