Argen slowly pulls away his hand for Siwon as he begins to...go off on this child that just appeared? He doesn't care as Siwon will either get scolded by someone else or just entirely ignored, and Argen does mind either. He takes a side step to round out the circle, and give himself the ability to watch the small priest, [color=#C0C0C0]'She is a little more than fresh, she seems to not even know what she could be caught up in. Yet, I can't blame her. What else could she do? She would have no other skills, so taking a mission with people who looked strong is the best option, but still'[/color]. As Argen looks towards everyone they seemed to have all shifted away from the antics of Siwon and suspicions of himself. He then begins to take stock of everyone. Okay winter clothing. A bit of food, to get us there and back, maybe. A good party composition, yes. 2 back line, a support, a defensive backline, a defensive frontline, and 2 offensive front lines. In all honesty, Argen sees this as a decent combination of classes. Mattering on the spells being packed by the mage and cleric this could go smoothly as they make their way to the fort a possibility is to purify and cremate bodies to get a bit of extra money.