[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9370DB]Gene Benaszewski[/color] & [color=00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/C5TXWPzW/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Athribis [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [hr][/center] Nora grabbed the torches that Mahendra had been holding, giving a nod at his request for her to shed some light on the area. She wasn't physically able to assist with them lifting him from his self inflicted prison, but this was something she was capable of doing. She had half a mind to shine one of the torches into the hole directly once he was clear, in order to see if she could spy Belladonna. It worried her that they hadn't heard any sound, though with the way the Lord Major was screaming and rambling, she figured that any words from their fallen companion would have been covered up. [color=00ccff]"Perhaps once he is clear, we can see about dropping a small stone down to gauge the drop... Or to simply call down for her..."[/color] Nora suggested softly. She wasn't an expert in these sort of things, but those actions struck her as logical measures. [color=#9370DB]"I could've sworn you were American with that accent,"[/color] Gene pointed out to Lauren, though she chuckled at her not-so-veiled insults of the Lord Major all the same. It didn't change the fact that she was going to help the idiot and she rolled her eyes at the screaming and [i]whining[/i] coming from him. [color=#9370DB]"Maybe next time you decide to jump into a death hole, you think about how your best outcome is getting stuck by your underwear,"[/color] she advised him. Even with everyone working together to get him out of there, it was an exhausting and draining process, with Gene wondering exactly what it was the man ate! Was he supposed to be this heavy and difficult to assist? Maybe they should have just pushed him [i]into[/i] the hole instead of trying to get him out of it... Gene was catching her breath, wiping her hands slightly on her arms in an attempt to get rid of some of the sweat. She loved adventure and excitement - this did not count. She hoped that his underwear and pants really had made an impression on him like he described, since he deserved it for the energy he just made them waste on him. [color=#9370DB]"Bella... Belladonna!"[/color] Gene called out down into the hole, waiting to see if she would hear anything back. It also gave her a chance to try to regulate her breathing more. She always panted a bit when she was thoroughly drained and exhausted. [color=00ccff]"Thank goodness you are alright..."[/color] Nora said softly, still holding the torches. She didn't say much more beyond that, wanting to stay quiet just in case Belladonna was trying to call out for them and her voice was too faint to be heard. Her eyes darted back towards the circular carving with the numbers one through forty five, knowing that seventeen and twenty-eight were numbers of significance. She didn't want to risk unleashing another trap on them, but her gut was telling her that they could manipulate that circular carving somehow. Perhaps they just had to press numbers seventeen and twenty eight? [color=00ccff]"I think if we move numbers seventeen and twenty eight, something will happen... Not something perilous, I mean."[/color] [hider=Roll Request - Gene]Character current location: Athribis, not following Belladonna :P Characters attempted actions: Gene is calling out to Belladonna into the hole, and will then listen to see if she hears anything/notices anything Any and all skills being used: N/A Why each skill is being called: N/A Desired location of the character: Athribis, not following Belladonna[/hider] [hider=Roll Request - Nora]Character current location: Athribis, not following Belladonna :P Characters attempted actions: Nora is examining the circular tile thingy, trying to figure out how the tiles can/should be manipulated, remembering the key numbers 17 and 28 Any and all skills being used: Pattern Analysis, Cryptography, Mathematics, Decipher hieroglyphics, Acute Observation Why each skill is being called: Pattern Analysis - to see if they need to be/can be rearranged in some sort of order. Cryptography - cypher patterns and the like, drawing on these. Mathematics - she discovered the numbers through math, using this as a support skill to the others. Decipher hieroglyphics - in order to read these/understand the numbers. Acute Observation - essentially perception. Desired location of the character: Athribis, not following Belladonna[/hider]