Blackout West Point Mountain Fort A Blood Baron looks down from a watchtower on the second wall. He snarls and barks orders to his subordinates. "How the hell did they get past the watch?!" He snarls. "Not see. Can't see them. Wolf. Viking. Not See." "Just go kill them." As the Baron clangs an alarm the entire mountain fort is swarmed with the foul smelling Blood-men. A few Blood-men stand behind a shoddily made Gatling gun. As the Snipers line up with their black powder rifles small gates along the main path open and Berzerkers come flooding out by the dozens. They scream unintelligibly and charge Blaze and Ghaul with weapons that are little more than rocks and clubs. None of the barbarians seem to notice that a single watchtower is unresponsive. The Watchtower where Flame is. West Point Castle Rider, Gin, and Sia all stand around a pen where large animals are corralled. A large lizard, wolf, a mongoose, and an ostrich. Rider turns to Sia. "Nobility rides. Take your pick." Rider says slapping Sia on the ass. Gin tenses slightly.