Grant suddenly found himself swept up in his sister's hug. She had not commented on, or seemed to notice his missing eye. Regardless, he did not need to care at the moment. Eden had gone to hell, and for him to achieve revenge, to honor his brother's memory, he had to rejoin the Titans. Leaving his apartment and straddling his motorcycle....thinking back to how things came to be. One month ago... My name is Grant Alexander Kain. For years, I've spilled blood in the name of my father, believing myself to be alone and an only child. For years I have grown cold, forcing myself to become distant, detached, longing for the one thing I've never had. Family. That all changed one month ago. I discovered I had a brother, a sister. I joined their team, the Teen Titans. For once in my life, I had friends, family. I began to open up, become less distant. I sometimes think that if things stayed the way they were, I'd've become what Mason envisioned for me to be: a hero. But I can't continue down that path; not since Mason's death. A homicidal cyborg burst into my brother's home, decimated his houseguests, and broke his back, all in the name of sending a message. Mason's spine was broken, and he was hospitalized. The doctors said he'd never walk again. Things were looking bleak, but while we were hunting down the cyborg calling himself Prime, another injustice was done to my family. A man calling himself Jilocasin broke into his room, and killed him. This news shattered the team. I can't speak of the others, but it pierced my soul in a way I've never felt. I had been given my family, only to lose my only brother. The rageā€¦there are no words to describe it. But revenge isn't why I do this, why I hunt down the man who killed my brother. It's the only way I know how to honor his memory. My eye is the price I've paid to obtain that honor, my sight purged by an arrow. His name is Aaron Waller, but he calls himself IronSight. A blind archer who considers himself a closer brother to Mason than me, he thinks that it should be HIS job to seek the retribution and honor I have sacrificed months of my life to achieve. It all happened in a town called Greenville, North Carolina..... PRESENT DAY Grant's motorcycle passed a city limits sign welcoming him to Eden. Ironic, considering the circumstances. The sky had become a gaping hole from which dragons flowed, and an army of shadow demons fought with the draconian foes, each army looking to purge the other and further their master's goals. In the midst of all this chaos, the average man was caught in the crossfire, some slaughtered by the demons; others by sword and talon. Grant unsheathed his sword with one hand, keeping the cycle level, while maintaining his current speed. The momentum began to build up, the adrenaline began to flow, and within moments, his first enemy came into view. It was a shadow demon, spewing fire from its mouth, and spiting all those within its limited attention field. He sliced it in half, and leapt from the cycle, using the forward motion and momentum to spring on the shoulders of a dragon, sinking the sword hilt deep through the skull. He slid down the back, slicing the dragon open like a skinned animal. Not even stopping, he bisected another shadow demon behind him. He had barely been on the field three minutes, but already that many enemies were dead. He turned to the rest of the enemies, and pulled his hood up.