[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/YCnJKP9t/f0549d81c187c9ac94771f8b0f60080c.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/7hDFVFVg/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Jasonhero][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]New York Sanctum - New York: July 15th, 2021 - 7:20 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] The course of action was settled then - the science inclined members of the team would work out the logistics of a time machine, while the rest were going to hopefully destroy Ultron's weapon before he could unleash it on the world. It had the benefit of attacking the problem from both angles, but it also reduced the numbers working on each approach. Roman's request for the sorcerers to teleport them ended up going unanswered sadly, as practically everyone in the room was distracted by the arrival of Wanda Maximoff. Captain Marvel nodded at Tinley and she powered down per her request, but Dr. Strange kept his magic discs up, not about to just trust Wanda. This was [i]his[/i] domain, after all - the Sanctum was his to defend and he had made that vow when he became its master. [color=D3589F]"You know, we have a Scarlet Witch on my earth,"[/color] Spider-Gwen told her companions near her. [color=D3589F]"She's a founding member of the Avengers there... but I am guessing from your trigger happy reactions, she's not as friendly here?"[/color] [color=d86615]"She's a wanted terrorist, implicated in an attempt to release a biological weapon on New York City, escaped the Raft countless times...Stole cutting edge technology from too many companies to count... "[/color] Raynor explained to Spider-Gwen, filling in just a few choice moments from the Scarlet Witch's criminal history. While her twin brother Quicksilver was reformed and her sister Polaris worked with the Mutant Underground, Wanda still ran with the Brotherhood. Raynor almost forgot about Plasma, the other Magneto kid - last he remembered, she had gone into witness protection. Dr. Strange nodded slightly at Raynor's assessment and explanation. [color=53A981]"We keep a list of individuals with mystical powers who are a threat to the universe and the multiverse... The Scarlet Witch is on that list, ranked even higher than the Asgardian Loki."[/color] The Sorcerer Supreme was supposed to protect the world from mystical threats, leaving the Avengers and others to handle the more concrete, gritty physical ones. Scarlet Witch was a unique villain who fell into both categories. Whatever she was here for, Strange was sure it was nothing good. Wanda raised a slight eyebrow, before she gave Goose a slight scratch behind his ears. She then put Mr. Dibbles down on the ground, in order to let the turtle have some freedom to move. He didn't like being carried around all day and Wanda could hardly blame him. [color=red]"Yes, my father works for Ultron,"[/color] she answered Maria. Her eyes then locked onto Tinley, figuring out that she was the leader. [color=red]"I'm here for revenge. Ultron killed my brother... my only real family. I want to make him pay for that."[/color] Her accent was thick and Eastern European - Serbian, to the more discerning ear. [color=57A2EC]"...I can understand your wish to avenge your brother, as from what I know, the two of you were fairly close for a long time..."[/color] the Invisible Woman said softly, giving Wanda a bit of a smile, [color=57A2EC]"Most of us have lost someone along the way... I'm willing to give her a chance, but that is just my opinion..."[/color] She nodded slightly. [color=red]"Pietro was my twin... We were connected."[/color] Her eyes darted around the room, not expecting them to trust her but she was certain that if they teamed up, then they would be able to bring Ultron's empire to its knees. [color=f6989d]"Why reach out to us now?"[/color] Bonnie asked. [color=f6989d]"The X-Men died in December - Quicksilver's been dead for months,"[/color] she pointed out. It didn't make sense to her that Wanda would wait seven months to get vengeance for her fallen brother. To her, this entire situation felt like a trap and she tensed up slightly. As much as she knew there were people with extraordinary powers in here, they hadn't been enough to stop Ultron... The Scarlet Witch could easily be how some of them died today. Dr. Banner was silent, doubtlessly thinking over the logistics of time travel and the chance of seeing his son alive again. The Black Panther was studying Wanda, potentially debating as well whether she could be trusted. [color=F86A6A]"You yourself worked for Ultron after your brother died,"[/color] Captain Marvel pointed out to Wanda, crossing her arms slightly. Wanda nodded slightly. [color=red]"To get him to trust me... To learn what makes him [i]vulnerable[/i]... Serval Industries was making a techno-organic virus before Ultron came into power... It can kill him."[/color]