As Sammual was left to his own devices he begins to look around. He began looking at the room he is in, "Tons of pods, many seem op-". Immediately stopping himself as he nearly pukes from looking at the mangled body inside one of the pods. He slowly backs away as he looks at the 20 or so pods in his area that seem to have a nice smear of red across the glass. He sighs as he then says, "Time to leave it seems I'll test my new legs and arm later". He immediately turns towards the singular door in the room as he begins to inspect it. "this won't open normally, so let's try this". As he begins from pulling at all angles from all ways: up, down, left, right. Yet nothing happened, until he had enough and decided to drop kick the door. It parted at the center, almost as if it was meant to be 2 pieces of a door that come from the top and bottom. He audibly sighs as he begins to use his mechanical arm and leg to open up the door just wide enough so he can pivot himself out and let it shut behind him. He finds himself in a large very strangely gloomy hallway. He sighs once looking around as he realizes this is his life now, walking around a dark spaceship with unknowns everywhere, he feels like he was thrown into an aliens movie. He decides to sit down and begin to inspect his prosthetics as it would be useful to see if they have any special things to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -After 20 minutes of fiddling with the arm- "Hey!" As he turns his index finger he sees a comb come out and allows him to do some grooming before going back to fiddling with the arm. As he holds his thumb and twists it his wrist locks up and turns pointing his index and middle finger out like a gun. Sammual looks curious as he pulls the thumb back as a small electricity started to charge. He looks amused as he just watches until the electricity hits a peak and stays there as he just shrugs and he flexes his thumb to a normal position to find his arm kick back and launch a small projectile into the wall. In extreme excitement and fear he scurries over to look at it, to find this small metal stake stuck into the wall. He begins to fish it out as he examines it as he tries to now figure out how to place it back into his arm. Almost immediately as he went back to sitting he began to hear some strange noises, and in fear that an Alien (Like the Alien from Alien vs. Predator and movies of the sort) was in here. He stood up immediately and began listening to where the sound is coming from and began going the exact opposite direction. Not quietly, loudly. And fast. He ran in fear as he didn't know what was here and just used his only known weapon on a wall. So he ran into the dark strange halls in hopes of finding that partner or maybe an exit, but his only worry right now is an alien that will kill him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The being who shall now be named Guy, was getting bored of watching Sammual sitting there so he just opened up some rooms and made it seem like there was a creature in here with him. If there is, Guy doesn't know yet, but Sammual will find out for him. If nothing else it was fun watching Sammual run like a little girl in fear.