[@Salenea] Lorie felt incredibly awkward, walking beside this random woman she had just snapped at. As the two walked, their pokemon following closely, Lorie was trying to word her coming request as nicely as she could. [color=#bd0087]"Tell me about pokemon."[/color] Okay, maybe that left something to be desired there, but at least it didn't come off snarky, just a bit... Rough around the edges. Avoiding eye contact, Lorie kept glancing at the pokedex, trying to hide her curiosity. Sneasel was walking right next to Lorie as the Bulbasaur emerged closer, extending its vine in what seemed like friendly manner. Sneasel eyed the grass type pokemon warily at first before extending a clawed hand and shaking the vine. "Sneeeasel. Snee," it replied with a nod; [i]'I'm Sneasel. Don't mind my human, she isn't fully trained yet. I look out for her, though.'[/i] As they walked around a building, Lorie thought she caught a sight of the Umbreon in the distance, sitting on someone's yard.